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"use strict";
const assert = require("../../assert.js");
function testURLCtor(str, expected) {
assert.sameValue(new URL(str).toString(), expected);
function testURLCtorBase(ref, base, expected, message) {
assert.sameValue(new URL(ref, base).toString(), expected, message);
testURLCtorBase("", undefined, "");
testURLCtorBase("/foo", "", "");
testURLCtorBase("", "", "");
testURLCtorBase("", "", "");
testURLCtorBase("foo://", "", "foo://");
testURLCtorBase("", "", "");
testURLCtorBase("#hash", "", "");
testURLCtor("HTTP://", "");
testURLCtor("HTTPS://á.com", "");
testURLCtor("HTTPS://á.com:123", "");
testURLCtor("á", "");
testURLCtor("HTTPS://á.com:123/á", "");
testURLCtor("fish://á.com", "fish://");
testURLCtor(" /2", "");
testURLCtor("á=1?á=1&ü=2#é", "");
assert.throws(() => new URL("test"), TypeError);
assert.throws(() => new URL("ssh://EEE:ddd"), TypeError);
let u = new URL("");
assert.sameValue(u.__proto__.constructor, URL);
assert.sameValue(u instanceof URL, true);
let u = new URL("");
assert.sameValue(u.searchParams, u.searchParams);
let myURL;
// Hash
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.hash = "baz";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.hash = "#baz";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.hash = "#á=1 2";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.hash = "#a/#b";
// FAILING: the second # gets escaped
//assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
assert.sameValue(, "");
// FAILING: the second # gets escaped
//assert.sameValue(myURL.hash, "#a/#b");
// Host
myURL = new URL(""); = "";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
// Hostname
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.hostname = "";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.hostname = "á.com";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
// href
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.href = "";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
// Password
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.password = "123";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
// pathname
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.pathname = "/abcdef";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.pathname = "";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.pathname = "á";
assert.sameValue(myURL.pathname, "/%C3%A1");
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
// port
myURL = new URL("");
assert.sameValue(myURL.port, "8888");
function testSetPort(port, expected) {
const url = new URL("");
url.port = port;
assert.sameValue(url.port, expected);
testSetPort(0, "0");
testSetPort(-0, "0");
// Default ports are automatically transformed to the empty string
// (HTTPS protocol's default port is 443)
testSetPort("443", "");
testSetPort(443, "");
// Empty string is the same as default port
testSetPort("", "");
// Completely invalid port strings are ignored
testSetPort("abcd", "8888");
testSetPort("-123", "");
testSetPort(-123, "");
testSetPort(-123.45, "");
testSetPort(undefined, "8888");
testSetPort(null, "8888");
testSetPort(+Infinity, "8888");
testSetPort(-Infinity, "8888");
testSetPort(NaN, "8888");
// Leading numbers are treated as a port number
testSetPort("5678abcd", "5678");
testSetPort("a5678abcd", "");
// Non-integers are truncated
testSetPort(1234.5678, "1234");
// Out-of-range numbers which are not represented in scientific notation
// will be ignored.
testSetPort(1e10, "8888");
testSetPort("123456", "8888");
testSetPort(123456, "8888");
testSetPort(4.567e21, "4");
// toString() takes precedence over valueOf(), even if it returns a valid integer
toString() {
return "2";
valueOf() {
return 1;
// Protocol
function testSetProtocol(url, protocol, expected) {
url.protocol = protocol;
assert.sameValue(url.protocol, expected);
testSetProtocol(new URL(""), "ftp", "ftp:");
testSetProtocol(new URL(""), "ftp:", "ftp:");
testSetProtocol(new URL(""), "FTP:", "ftp:");
testSetProtocol(new URL(""), "ftp: blah", "ftp:");
// special to non-special
testSetProtocol(new URL(""), "foo", "https:");
// non-special to special
testSetProtocol(new URL("fish://"), "https", "fish:");
// Search
myURL = new URL(""); = "abc=xyz";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, ""); = "a=1 2";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, ""); = "á=ú";
assert.sameValue(, "?%C3%A1=%C3%BA");
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
myURL.hash = "hash"; = "a=#b";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
assert.sameValue(, "?a=%23b");
assert.sameValue(myURL.hash, "#hash");
// Username
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.username = "123";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
// Origin, read-only
assert.throws(() => {
myURL.origin = "abc";
}, TypeError);
// href
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.href = "";
assert.sameValue(myURL.href, "");
assert.throws(() => {
myURL.href = "test";
}, TypeError);
// Search Params
myURL = new URL("");
myURL.searchParams.append("user", "abc");
assert.sameValue(myURL.toString(), "");
myURL.searchParams.append("first", "one");
assert.sameValue(myURL.toString(), "");
assert.sameValue(myURL.toString(), "");
const url = require("url");
assert.sameValue(url.domainToASCII('españ'), "");
assert.sameValue(url.domainToASCII('中文.com'), "");
assert.sameValue(url.domainToASCII('xn--iñ'), "");
assert.sameValue(url.domainToUnicode(''), "españ");
assert.sameValue(url.domainToUnicode(''), "中文.com");
assert.sameValue(url.domainToUnicode('xn--iñ'), "");