package goja import ( "math" "sync" ) func (r *Runtime) functionCtor(args []Value, proto *Object, async, generator bool) *Object { var sb StringBuilder if async { if generator { sb.WriteString(asciiString("(async function* anonymous(")) } else { sb.WriteString(asciiString("(async function anonymous(")) } } else { if generator { sb.WriteString(asciiString("(function* anonymous(")) } else { sb.WriteString(asciiString("(function anonymous(")) } } if len(args) > 1 { ar := args[:len(args)-1] for i, arg := range ar { sb.WriteString(arg.toString()) if i < len(ar)-1 { sb.WriteRune(',') } } } sb.WriteString(asciiString("\n) {\n")) if len(args) > 0 { sb.WriteString(args[len(args)-1].toString()) } sb.WriteString(asciiString("\n})")) ret := r.toObject(r.eval(sb.String(), false, false)) ret.self.setProto(proto, true) return ret } func (r *Runtime) builtin_Function(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object { return r.functionCtor(args, proto, false, false) } func (r *Runtime) builtin_asyncFunction(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object { return r.functionCtor(args, proto, true, false) } func (r *Runtime) builtin_generatorFunction(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object { return r.functionCtor(args, proto, false, true) } func (r *Runtime) functionproto_toString(call FunctionCall) Value { obj := r.toObject(call.This) switch f := obj.self.(type) { case funcObjectImpl: return f.source() case *proxyObject: if _, ok :=; ok { return asciiString("function () { [native code] }") } } panic(r.NewTypeError("Function.prototype.toString requires that 'this' be a Function")) } func (r *Runtime) functionproto_hasInstance(call FunctionCall) Value { if o, ok := call.This.(*Object); ok { if _, ok = o.self.assertCallable(); ok { return r.toBoolean(o.self.hasInstance(call.Argument(0))) } } return valueFalse } func (r *Runtime) createListFromArrayLike(a Value) []Value { o := r.toObject(a) if arr := r.checkStdArrayObj(o); arr != nil { return arr.values } l := toLength(o.self.getStr("length", nil)) res := make([]Value, 0, l) for k := int64(0); k < l; k++ { res = append(res, nilSafe(o.self.getIdx(valueInt(k), nil))) } return res } func (r *Runtime) functionproto_apply(call FunctionCall) Value { var args []Value if len(call.Arguments) >= 2 { args = r.createListFromArrayLike(call.Arguments[1]) } f := r.toCallable(call.This) return f(FunctionCall{ This: call.Argument(0), Arguments: args, }) } func (r *Runtime) functionproto_call(call FunctionCall) Value { var args []Value if len(call.Arguments) > 0 { args = call.Arguments[1:] } f := r.toCallable(call.This) return f(FunctionCall{ This: call.Argument(0), Arguments: args, }) } func (r *Runtime) boundCallable(target func(FunctionCall) Value, boundArgs []Value) func(FunctionCall) Value { var this Value var args []Value if len(boundArgs) > 0 { this = boundArgs[0] args = make([]Value, len(boundArgs)-1) copy(args, boundArgs[1:]) } else { this = _undefined } return func(call FunctionCall) Value { a := append(args, call.Arguments...) return target(FunctionCall{ This: this, Arguments: a, }) } } func (r *Runtime) boundConstruct(f *Object, target func([]Value, *Object) *Object, boundArgs []Value) func([]Value, *Object) *Object { if target == nil { return nil } var args []Value if len(boundArgs) > 1 { args = make([]Value, len(boundArgs)-1) copy(args, boundArgs[1:]) } return func(fargs []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object { a := append(args, fargs...) if newTarget == f { newTarget = nil } return target(a, newTarget) } } func (r *Runtime) functionproto_bind(call FunctionCall) Value { obj := r.toObject(call.This) fcall := r.toCallable(call.This) construct := obj.self.assertConstructor() var l = _positiveZero if obj.self.hasOwnPropertyStr("length") { var li int64 switch lenProp := nilSafe(obj.self.getStr("length", nil)).(type) { case valueInt: li = lenProp.ToInteger() case valueFloat: switch lenProp { case _positiveInf: l = lenProp goto lenNotInt case _negativeInf: goto lenNotInt case _negativeZero: // no-op, li == 0 default: if !math.IsNaN(float64(lenProp)) { li = int64(math.Abs(float64(lenProp))) } // else li = 0 } } if len(call.Arguments) > 1 { li -= int64(len(call.Arguments)) - 1 } if li < 0 { li = 0 } l = intToValue(li) } lenNotInt: name := obj.self.getStr("name", nil) nameStr := stringBound_ if s, ok := name.(String); ok { nameStr = nameStr.Concat(s) } v := &Object{runtime: r} ff := r.newNativeFuncAndConstruct(v, r.boundCallable(fcall, call.Arguments), r.boundConstruct(v, construct, call.Arguments), nil, nameStr.string(), l) bf := &boundFuncObject{ nativeFuncObject: *ff, wrapped: obj, } bf.prototype = obj.self.proto() v.self = bf return v } func (r *Runtime) getThrower() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = r.newNativeFunc(r.builtin_thrower, "", 0) = ret r.object_freeze(FunctionCall{Arguments: []Value{ret}}) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) newThrowerProperty(configurable bool) Value { thrower := r.getThrower() return &valueProperty{ getterFunc: thrower, setterFunc: thrower, accessor: true, configurable: configurable, } } func createFunctionProtoTemplate() *objectTemplate { t := newObjectTemplate() t.protoFactory = func(r *Runtime) *Object { return } t.putStr("constructor", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(r.getFunction(), true, false, true) }) t.putStr("length", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(_positiveZero, false, false, true) }) t.putStr("name", func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(stringEmpty, false, false, true) }) t.putStr("apply", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.functionproto_apply, "apply", 2) }) t.putStr("bind", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.functionproto_bind, "bind", 1) }) t.putStr("call", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.functionproto_call, "call", 1) }) t.putStr("toString", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.methodProp(r.functionproto_toString, "toString", 0) }) t.putStr("caller", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.newThrowerProperty(true) }) t.putStr("arguments", func(r *Runtime) Value { return r.newThrowerProperty(true) }) t.putSym(SymHasInstance, func(r *Runtime) Value { return valueProp(r.newNativeFunc(r.functionproto_hasInstance, "[Symbol.hasInstance]", 1), false, false, false) }) return t } var functionProtoTemplate *objectTemplate var functionProtoTemplateOnce sync.Once func getFunctionProtoTemplate() *objectTemplate { functionProtoTemplateOnce.Do(func() { functionProtoTemplate = createFunctionProtoTemplate() }) return functionProtoTemplate } func (r *Runtime) getFunctionPrototype() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newTemplatedFuncObject(getFunctionProtoTemplate(), ret, func(FunctionCall) Value { return _undefined }, nil) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) createFunction(v *Object) objectImpl { return r.newNativeFuncConstructObj(v, r.builtin_Function, "Function", r.getFunctionPrototype(), 1) } func (r *Runtime) createAsyncFunctionProto(val *Object) objectImpl { o := &baseObject{ class: classObject, val: val, extensible: true, prototype: r.getFunctionPrototype(), } o.init() o._putProp("constructor", r.getAsyncFunction(), true, false, true) o._putSym(SymToStringTag, valueProp(asciiString(classAsyncFunction), false, false, true)) return o } func (r *Runtime) getAsyncFunctionPrototype() *Object { var o *Object if o =; o == nil { o = &Object{runtime: r} = o o.self = r.createAsyncFunctionProto(o) } return o } func (r *Runtime) createAsyncFunction(val *Object) objectImpl { o := r.newNativeFuncConstructObj(val, r.builtin_asyncFunction, "AsyncFunction", r.getAsyncFunctionPrototype(), 1) return o } func (r *Runtime) getAsyncFunction() *Object { var o *Object if o =; o == nil { o = &Object{runtime: r} = o o.self = r.createAsyncFunction(o) } return o } func (r *Runtime) builtin_genproto_next(call FunctionCall) Value { if o, ok := call.This.(*Object); ok { if gen, ok := o.self.(*generatorObject); ok { return } } panic(r.NewTypeError("Method [Generator] called on incompatible receiver")) } func (r *Runtime) builtin_genproto_return(call FunctionCall) Value { if o, ok := call.This.(*Object); ok { if gen, ok := o.self.(*generatorObject); ok { return gen._return(call.Argument(0)) } } panic(r.NewTypeError("Method [Generator].prototype.return called on incompatible receiver")) } func (r *Runtime) builtin_genproto_throw(call FunctionCall) Value { if o, ok := call.This.(*Object); ok { if gen, ok := o.self.(*generatorObject); ok { return gen.throw(call.Argument(0)) } } panic(r.NewTypeError("Method [Generator].prototype.throw called on incompatible receiver")) } func (r *Runtime) createGeneratorFunctionProto(val *Object) objectImpl { o := newBaseObjectObj(val, r.getFunctionPrototype(), classObject) o._putProp("constructor", r.getGeneratorFunction(), false, false, true) o._putProp("prototype", r.getGeneratorPrototype(), false, false, true) o._putSym(SymToStringTag, valueProp(asciiString(classGeneratorFunction), false, false, true)) return o } func (r *Runtime) getGeneratorFunctionPrototype() *Object { var o *Object if o =; o == nil { o = &Object{runtime: r} = o o.self = r.createGeneratorFunctionProto(o) } return o } func (r *Runtime) createGeneratorFunction(val *Object) objectImpl { o := r.newNativeFuncConstructObj(val, r.builtin_generatorFunction, "GeneratorFunction", r.getGeneratorFunctionPrototype(), 1) return o } func (r *Runtime) getGeneratorFunction() *Object { var o *Object if o =; o == nil { o = &Object{runtime: r} = o o.self = r.createGeneratorFunction(o) } return o } func (r *Runtime) createGeneratorProto(val *Object) objectImpl { o := newBaseObjectObj(val, r.getIteratorPrototype(), classObject) o._putProp("constructor", r.getGeneratorFunctionPrototype(), false, false, true) o._putProp("next", r.newNativeFunc(r.builtin_genproto_next, "next", 1), true, false, true) o._putProp("return", r.newNativeFunc(r.builtin_genproto_return, "return", 1), true, false, true) o._putProp("throw", r.newNativeFunc(r.builtin_genproto_throw, "throw", 1), true, false, true) o._putSym(SymToStringTag, valueProp(asciiString(classGenerator), false, false, true)) return o } func (r *Runtime) getGeneratorPrototype() *Object { var o *Object if o =; o == nil { o = &Object{runtime: r} = o o.self = r.createGeneratorProto(o) } return o } func (r *Runtime) getFunction() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret ret.self = r.createFunction(ret) } return ret }