package goja import ( "" "fmt" "math" "reflect" "sort" ) type templatePropFactory func(*Runtime) Value type objectTemplate struct { propNames []unistring.String props map[unistring.String]templatePropFactory symProps map[*Symbol]templatePropFactory symPropNames []*Symbol protoFactory func(*Runtime) *Object } type templatedObject struct { baseObject tmpl *objectTemplate protoMaterialised bool } type templatedFuncObject struct { templatedObject f func(FunctionCall) Value construct func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object } // This type exists because Array.prototype is supposed to be an array itself and I could not find // a different way of implementing it without either introducing another layer of interfaces or hoisting // the templates to baseObject both of which would have had a negative effect on the performance. // The implementation is as simple as possible and is not optimised in any way, but I very much doubt anybody // uses Array.prototype as an actual array. type templatedArrayObject struct { templatedObject } func newObjectTemplate() *objectTemplate { return &objectTemplate{ props: make(map[unistring.String]templatePropFactory), } } func (t *objectTemplate) putStr(name unistring.String, f templatePropFactory) { t.props[name] = f t.propNames = append(t.propNames, name) } func (t *objectTemplate) putSym(s *Symbol, f templatePropFactory) { if t.symProps == nil { t.symProps = make(map[*Symbol]templatePropFactory) } t.symProps[s] = f t.symPropNames = append(t.symPropNames, s) } func (r *Runtime) newTemplatedObject(tmpl *objectTemplate, obj *Object) *templatedObject { if obj == nil { obj = &Object{runtime: r} } o := &templatedObject{ baseObject: baseObject{ class: classObject, val: obj, extensible: true, }, tmpl: tmpl, } obj.self = o o.init() return o } func (o *templatedObject) materialiseProto() { if !o.protoMaterialised { if o.tmpl.protoFactory != nil { o.prototype = o.tmpl.protoFactory(o.val.runtime) } o.protoMaterialised = true } } func (o *templatedObject) getStr(name unistring.String, receiver Value) Value { ownProp := o.getOwnPropStr(name) if ownProp == nil { o.materialiseProto() } return o.getStrWithOwnProp(ownProp, name, receiver) } func (o *templatedObject) getSym(s *Symbol, receiver Value) Value { ownProp := o.getOwnPropSym(s) if ownProp == nil { o.materialiseProto() } return o.getWithOwnProp(ownProp, s, receiver) } func (o *templatedObject) getOwnPropStr(p unistring.String) Value { if v, exists := o.values[p]; exists { return v } if f := o.tmpl.props[p]; f != nil { v := f(o.val.runtime) o.values[p] = v return v } return nil } func (o *templatedObject) materialiseSymbols() { if o.symValues == nil { o.symValues = newOrderedMap(nil) for _, p := range o.tmpl.symPropNames { o.symValues.set(p, o.tmpl.symProps[p](o.val.runtime)) } } } func (o *templatedObject) getOwnPropSym(s *Symbol) Value { if o.symValues == nil && o.tmpl.symProps[s] == nil { return nil } o.materialiseSymbols() return o.baseObject.getOwnPropSym(s) } func (o *templatedObject) materialisePropNames() { if o.propNames == nil { o.propNames = append(([]unistring.String)(nil), o.tmpl.propNames...) } } func (o *templatedObject) setOwnStr(p unistring.String, v Value, throw bool) bool { existing := o.getOwnPropStr(p) // materialise property (in case it's an accessor) if existing == nil { o.materialiseProto() o.materialisePropNames() } return o.baseObject.setOwnStr(p, v, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) setOwnSym(name *Symbol, val Value, throw bool) bool { o.materialiseSymbols() o.materialiseProto() return o.baseObject.setOwnSym(name, val, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) setForeignStr(name unistring.String, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) { ownProp := o.getOwnPropStr(name) if ownProp == nil { o.materialiseProto() } return o._setForeignStr(name, ownProp, val, receiver, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) proto() *Object { o.materialiseProto() return o.prototype } func (o *templatedObject) setProto(proto *Object, throw bool) bool { o.protoMaterialised = true ret := o.baseObject.setProto(proto, throw) if ret { o.protoMaterialised = true } return ret } func (o *templatedObject) setForeignIdx(name valueInt, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) { return o.setForeignStr(name.string(), val, receiver, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) setForeignSym(name *Symbol, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) { o.materialiseProto() o.materialiseSymbols() return o.baseObject.setForeignSym(name, val, receiver, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) hasPropertyStr(name unistring.String) bool { if o.val.self.hasOwnPropertyStr(name) { return true } o.materialiseProto() if o.prototype != nil { return o.prototype.self.hasPropertyStr(name) } return false } func (o *templatedObject) hasPropertySym(s *Symbol) bool { if o.hasOwnPropertySym(s) { return true } o.materialiseProto() if o.prototype != nil { return o.prototype.self.hasPropertySym(s) } return false } func (o *templatedObject) hasOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String) bool { if v, exists := o.values[name]; exists { return v != nil } _, exists := o.tmpl.props[name] return exists } func (o *templatedObject) hasOwnPropertySym(s *Symbol) bool { if o.symValues != nil { return o.symValues.has(s) } _, exists := o.tmpl.symProps[s] return exists } func (o *templatedObject) defineOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool { existingVal := o.getOwnPropStr(name) if v, ok := o._defineOwnProperty(name, existingVal, descr, throw); ok { o.values[name] = v if existingVal == nil { o.materialisePropNames() names := copyNamesIfNeeded(o.propNames, 1) o.propNames = append(names, name) } return true } return false } func (o *templatedObject) defineOwnPropertySym(s *Symbol, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool { o.materialiseSymbols() return o.baseObject.defineOwnPropertySym(s, descr, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) deleteStr(name unistring.String, throw bool) bool { if val := o.getOwnPropStr(name); val != nil { if !o.checkDelete(name, val, throw) { return false } o.materialisePropNames() o._delete(name) if _, exists := o.tmpl.props[name]; exists { o.values[name] = nil // white hole } } return true } func (o *templatedObject) deleteSym(s *Symbol, throw bool) bool { o.materialiseSymbols() return o.baseObject.deleteSym(s, throw) } func (o *templatedObject) materialiseProps() { for name, f := range o.tmpl.props { if _, exists := o.values[name]; !exists { o.values[name] = f(o.val.runtime) } } o.materialisePropNames() } func (o *templatedObject) iterateStringKeys() iterNextFunc { o.materialiseProps() return o.baseObject.iterateStringKeys() } func (o *templatedObject) iterateSymbols() iterNextFunc { o.materialiseSymbols() return o.baseObject.iterateSymbols() } func (o *templatedObject) stringKeys(all bool, keys []Value) []Value { if all { o.materialisePropNames() } else { o.materialiseProps() } return o.baseObject.stringKeys(all, keys) } func (o *templatedObject) symbols(all bool, accum []Value) []Value { o.materialiseSymbols() return o.baseObject.symbols(all, accum) } func (o *templatedObject) keys(all bool, accum []Value) []Value { return o.symbols(all, o.stringKeys(all, accum)) } func (r *Runtime) newTemplatedFuncObject(tmpl *objectTemplate, obj *Object, f func(FunctionCall) Value, ctor func([]Value, *Object) *Object) *templatedFuncObject { if obj == nil { obj = &Object{runtime: r} } o := &templatedFuncObject{ templatedObject: templatedObject{ baseObject: baseObject{ class: classFunction, val: obj, extensible: true, }, tmpl: tmpl, }, f: f, construct: ctor, } obj.self = o o.init() return o } func (f *templatedFuncObject) source() String { return newStringValue(fmt.Sprintf("function %s() { [native code] }", nilSafe(f.getStr("name", nil)).toString())) } func (f *templatedFuncObject) export(*objectExportCtx) interface{} { return f.f } func (f *templatedFuncObject) assertCallable() (func(FunctionCall) Value, bool) { if f.f != nil { return f.f, true } return nil, false } func (f *templatedFuncObject) vmCall(vm *vm, n int) { var nf nativeFuncObject nf.f = f.f nf.vmCall(vm, n) } func (f *templatedFuncObject) assertConstructor() func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object { return f.construct } func (f *templatedFuncObject) exportType() reflect.Type { return reflectTypeFunc } func (f *templatedFuncObject) typeOf() String { return stringFunction } func (f *templatedFuncObject) hasInstance(v Value) bool { return hasInstance(f.val, v) } func (r *Runtime) newTemplatedArrayObject(tmpl *objectTemplate, obj *Object) *templatedArrayObject { if obj == nil { obj = &Object{runtime: r} } o := &templatedArrayObject{ templatedObject: templatedObject{ baseObject: baseObject{ class: classArray, val: obj, extensible: true, }, tmpl: tmpl, }, } obj.self = o o.init() return o } func (a *templatedArrayObject) getLenProp() *valueProperty { lenProp, _ := a.getOwnPropStr("length").(*valueProperty) if lenProp == nil { panic(a.val.runtime.NewTypeError("missing length property")) } return lenProp } func (a *templatedArrayObject) _setOwnIdx(idx uint32) { lenProp := a.getLenProp() l := uint32(lenProp.value.ToInteger()) if idx >= l { lenProp.value = intToValue(int64(idx) + 1) } } func (a *templatedArrayObject) setLength(l uint32, throw bool) bool { lenProp := a.getLenProp() oldLen := uint32(lenProp.value.ToInteger()) if l == oldLen { return true } if !lenProp.writable { a.val.runtime.typeErrorResult(throw, "length is not writable") return false } ret := true if l < oldLen { a.materialisePropNames() a.fixPropOrder() i := sort.Search(a.idxPropCount, func(idx int) bool { return strToArrayIdx(a.propNames[idx]) >= l }) for j := a.idxPropCount - 1; j >= i; j-- { if !a.deleteStr(a.propNames[j], false) { l = strToArrayIdx(a.propNames[j]) + 1 ret = false break } } } lenProp.value = intToValue(int64(l)) return ret } func (a *templatedArrayObject) setOwnStr(name unistring.String, value Value, throw bool) bool { if name == "length" { return a.setLength(a.val.runtime.toLengthUint32(value), throw) } if !a.templatedObject.setOwnStr(name, value, throw) { return false } if idx := strToArrayIdx(name); idx != math.MaxUint32 { a._setOwnIdx(idx) } return true } func (a *templatedArrayObject) setOwnIdx(p valueInt, v Value, throw bool) bool { if !a.templatedObject.setOwnStr(p.string(), v, throw) { return false } if idx := toIdx(p); idx != math.MaxUint32 { a._setOwnIdx(idx) } return true } func (a *templatedArrayObject) defineOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String, descr PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool { if name == "length" { return a.val.runtime.defineArrayLength(a.getLenProp(), descr, a.setLength, throw) } if !a.templatedObject.defineOwnPropertyStr(name, descr, throw) { return false } if idx := strToArrayIdx(name); idx != math.MaxUint32 { a._setOwnIdx(idx) } return true } func (a *templatedArrayObject) defineOwnPropertyIdx(p valueInt, desc PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool { if !a.templatedObject.defineOwnPropertyStr(p.string(), desc, throw) { return false } if idx := toIdx(p); idx != math.MaxUint32 { a._setOwnIdx(idx) } return true }