package parser import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "reflect" "strings" "testing" "" ) func marshal(name string, children ...interface{}) interface{} { if len(children) == 1 { if name == "" { return testMarshalNode(children[0]) } return map[string]interface{}{ name: children[0], } } map_ := map[string]interface{}{} length := len(children) / 2 for i := 0; i < length; i++ { name := children[i*2].(string) value := children[i*2+1] map_[name] = value } if name == "" { return map_ } return map[string]interface{}{ name: map_, } } func testMarshalNode(node interface{}) interface{} { switch node := node.(type) { // Expression case *ast.ArrayLiteral: return marshal("Array", testMarshalNode(node.Value)) case *ast.AssignExpression: return marshal("Assign", "Left", testMarshalNode(node.Left), "Right", testMarshalNode(node.Right), ) case *ast.BinaryExpression: return marshal("BinaryExpression", "Operator", node.Operator.String(), "Left", testMarshalNode(node.Left), "Right", testMarshalNode(node.Right), ) case *ast.BooleanLiteral: return marshal("Literal", node.Value) case *ast.CallExpression: return marshal("Call", "Callee", testMarshalNode(node.Callee), "ArgumentList", testMarshalNode(node.ArgumentList), ) case *ast.ConditionalExpression: return marshal("Conditional", "Test", testMarshalNode(node.Test), "Consequent", testMarshalNode(node.Consequent), "Alternate", testMarshalNode(node.Alternate), ) case *ast.DotExpression: return marshal("Dot", "Left", testMarshalNode(node.Left), "Member", node.Identifier.Name, ) case *ast.NewExpression: return marshal("New", "Callee", testMarshalNode(node.Callee), "ArgumentList", testMarshalNode(node.ArgumentList), ) case *ast.NullLiteral: return marshal("Literal", nil) case *ast.NumberLiteral: return marshal("Literal", node.Value) case *ast.ObjectLiteral: return marshal("Object", testMarshalNode(node.Value)) case *ast.RegExpLiteral: return marshal("Literal", node.Literal) case *ast.StringLiteral: return marshal("Literal", node.Literal) case *ast.Binding: return marshal("Binding", "Target", testMarshalNode(node.Target), "Initializer", testMarshalNode(node.Initializer)) // Statement case *ast.Program: return testMarshalNode(node.Body) case *ast.BlockStatement: return marshal("BlockStatement", testMarshalNode(node.List)) case *ast.EmptyStatement: return "EmptyStatement" case *ast.ExpressionStatement: return testMarshalNode(node.Expression) case *ast.ForInStatement: return marshal("ForIn", "Into", testMarshalNode(node.Into), "Source", marshal("", node.Source), "Body", marshal("", node.Body), ) case *ast.FunctionLiteral: return marshal("Function", testMarshalNode(node.Body)) case *ast.Identifier: return marshal("Identifier", node.Name) case *ast.IfStatement: if_ := marshal("", "Test", testMarshalNode(node.Test), "Consequent", testMarshalNode(node.Consequent), ).(map[string]interface{}) if node.Alternate != nil { if_["Alternate"] = testMarshalNode(node.Alternate) } return marshal("If", if_) case *ast.LabelledStatement: return marshal("Label", "Name", node.Label.Name, "Statement", testMarshalNode(node.Statement), ) case *ast.PropertyKeyed: return marshal("", "Key", node.Key, "Value", testMarshalNode(node.Value), ) case *ast.ReturnStatement: return marshal("Return", testMarshalNode(node.Argument)) case *ast.SequenceExpression: return marshal("Sequence", testMarshalNode(node.Sequence)) case *ast.ThrowStatement: return marshal("Throw", testMarshalNode(node.Argument)) case *ast.VariableStatement: return marshal("Var", testMarshalNode(node.List)) // Special case *ast.ForDeclaration: return marshal("For-Into-Decl", testMarshalNode(node.Target)) case *ast.ForIntoVar: return marshal("For-Into-Var", testMarshalNode(node.Binding)) } { value := reflect.ValueOf(node) if value.Kind() == reflect.Slice { tmp0 := []interface{}{} for index := 0; index < value.Len(); index++ { tmp0 = append(tmp0, testMarshalNode(value.Index(index).Interface())) } return tmp0 } } return nil } func testMarshal(node interface{}) string { value, err := json.Marshal(testMarshalNode(node)) if err != nil { panic(err) } return string(value) } func TestParserAST(t *testing.T) { tt(t, func() { test := func(inputOutput string) { match := matchBeforeAfterSeparator.FindStringIndex(inputOutput) input := strings.TrimSpace(inputOutput[0:match[0]]) wantOutput := strings.TrimSpace(inputOutput[match[1]:]) _, program, err := testParse(input) is(err, nil) haveOutput := testMarshal(program) tmp0, tmp1 := bytes.Buffer{}, bytes.Buffer{} json.Indent(&tmp0, []byte(haveOutput), "\t\t", " ") json.Indent(&tmp1, []byte(wantOutput), "\t\t", " ") is("\n\t\t"+tmp0.String(), "\n\t\t"+tmp1.String()) } test(` --- [] `) test(` ; --- [ "EmptyStatement" ] `) test(` ;;; --- [ "EmptyStatement", "EmptyStatement", "EmptyStatement" ] `) test(` 1; true; abc; "abc"; null; --- [ { "Literal": 1 }, { "Literal": true }, { "Identifier": "abc" }, { "Literal": "\"abc\"" }, { "Literal": null } ] `) test(` { 1; null; 3.14159; ; } --- [ { "BlockStatement": [ { "Literal": 1 }, { "Literal": null }, { "Literal": 3.14159 }, "EmptyStatement" ] } ] `) test(` new abc(); --- [ { "New": { "ArgumentList": [], "Callee": { "Identifier": "abc" } } } ] `) test(` new abc(1, 3.14159) --- [ { "New": { "ArgumentList": [ { "Literal": 1 }, { "Literal": 3.14159 } ], "Callee": { "Identifier": "abc" } } } ] `) test(` true ? false : true --- [ { "Conditional": { "Alternate": { "Literal": true }, "Consequent": { "Literal": false }, "Test": { "Literal": true } } } ] `) test(` true || false --- [ { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "Literal": true }, "Operator": "||", "Right": { "Literal": false } } } ] `) test(` 0 + { abc: true } --- [ { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "Literal": 0 }, "Operator": "+", "Right": { "Object": [ { "Key": { "Idx": 7, "Literal": "abc", "Value": "abc" }, "Value": { "Literal": true } } ] } } } ] `) test(` 1 == "1" --- [ { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "Literal": 1 }, "Operator": "==", "Right": { "Literal": "\"1\"" } } } ] `) test(` abc(1) --- [ { "Call": { "ArgumentList": [ { "Literal": 1 } ], "Callee": { "Identifier": "abc" } } } ] `) test(` Math.pow(3, 2) --- [ { "Call": { "ArgumentList": [ { "Literal": 3 }, { "Literal": 2 } ], "Callee": { "Dot": { "Left": { "Identifier": "Math" }, "Member": "pow" } } } } ] `) test(` 1, 2, 3 --- [ { "Sequence": [ { "Literal": 1 }, { "Literal": 2 }, { "Literal": 3 } ] } ] `) test(` / abc /gim; --- [ { "Literal": "/ abc /gim" } ] `) test(` if (0) 1; --- [ { "If": { "Consequent": { "Literal": 1 }, "Test": { "Literal": 0 } } } ] `) test(` 0+function(){ return; } --- [ { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "Literal": 0 }, "Operator": "+", "Right": { "Function": { "BlockStatement": [ { "Return": null } ] } } } } ] `) test(` xyzzy // Ignore it // Ignore this // And this /* And all.. ... of this! */ "Nothing happens." // And finally this --- [ { "Identifier": "xyzzy" }, { "Literal": "\"Nothing happens.\"" } ] `) test(` ((x & (x = 1)) !== 0) --- [ { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "Identifier": "x" }, "Operator": "\u0026", "Right": { "Assign": { "Left": { "Identifier": "x" }, "Right": { "Literal": 1 } } } } }, "Operator": "!==", "Right": { "Literal": 0 } } } ] `) test(` { abc: 'def' } --- [ { "BlockStatement": [ { "Label": { "Name": "abc", "Statement": { "Literal": "'def'" } } } ] } ] `) test(` // This is not an object, this is a string literal with a label! ({ abc: 'def' }) --- [ { "Object": [ { "Key": { "Idx": 77, "Literal": "abc", "Value": "abc" }, "Value": { "Literal": "'def'" } } ] } ] `) test(` [,] --- [ { "Array": [ null ] } ] `) test(` [,,] --- [ { "Array": [ null, null ] } ] `) test(` ({ get abc() {} }) --- [ { "Object": [ { "Key": { "Idx": 8, "Literal": "abc", "Value": "abc" }, "Value": { "Function": { "BlockStatement": [] } } } ] } ] `) test(` /abc/.source --- [ { "Dot": { "Left": { "Literal": "/abc/" }, "Member": "source" } } ] `) test(` xyzzy throw new TypeError("Nothing happens.") --- [ { "Identifier": "xyzzy" }, { "Throw": { "New": { "ArgumentList": [ { "Literal": "\"Nothing happens.\"" } ], "Callee": { "Identifier": "TypeError" } } } } ] `) // When run, this will call a type error to be thrown // This is essentially the same as: // // var abc = 1(function(){})() // test(` var abc = 1 (function(){ })() --- [ { "Var": [ { "Binding": { "Initializer": { "Call": { "ArgumentList": [], "Callee": { "Call": { "ArgumentList": [ { "Function": { "BlockStatement": [] } } ], "Callee": { "Literal": 1 } } } } }, "Target": { "Identifier": "abc" } } } ] } ] `) test(` "use strict" --- [ { "Literal": "\"use strict\"" } ] `) test(` "use strict" abc = 1 + 2 + 11 --- [ { "Literal": "\"use strict\"" }, { "Assign": { "Left": { "Identifier": "abc" }, "Right": { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "BinaryExpression": { "Left": { "Literal": 1 }, "Operator": "+", "Right": { "Literal": 2 } } }, "Operator": "+", "Right": { "Literal": 11 } } } } } ] `) test(` abc = function() { 'use strict' } --- [ { "Assign": { "Left": { "Identifier": "abc" }, "Right": { "Function": { "BlockStatement": [ { "Literal": "'use strict'" } ] } } } } ] `) test(` for (var abc in def) { } --- [ { "ForIn": { "Body": { "BlockStatement": [] }, "Into": { "For-Into-Var": { "Binding": { "Initializer": null, "Target": { "Identifier": "abc" } } } }, "Source": { "Identifier": "def" } } } ] `) test(` abc = { '"': "'", "'": '"', } --- [ { "Assign": { "Left": { "Identifier": "abc" }, "Right": { "Object": [ { "Key": { "Idx": 21, "Literal": "'\"'", "Value": "\"" }, "Value": { "Literal": "\"'\"" } }, { "Key": { "Idx": 43, "Literal": "\"'\"", "Value": "'" }, "Value": { "Literal": "'\"'" } } ] } } } ] `) }) }