package goja import "" const propNameStack = "stack" type errorObject struct { baseObject stack []StackFrame stackPropAdded bool } func (e *errorObject) formatStack() String { var b StringBuilder val := writeErrorString(&b, e.val) if val != nil { b.WriteString(val) } b.WriteRune('\n') for _, frame := range e.stack { b.writeASCII("\tat ") frame.WriteToValueBuilder(&b) b.WriteRune('\n') } return b.String() } func (e *errorObject) addStackProp() Value { if !e.stackPropAdded { res := e._putProp(propNameStack, e.formatStack(), true, false, true) if len(e.propNames) > 1 { // reorder property names to ensure 'stack' is the first one copy(e.propNames[1:], e.propNames) e.propNames[0] = propNameStack } e.stackPropAdded = true return res } return nil } func (e *errorObject) getStr(p unistring.String, receiver Value) Value { return e.getStrWithOwnProp(e.getOwnPropStr(p), p, receiver) } func (e *errorObject) getOwnPropStr(name unistring.String) Value { res := e.baseObject.getOwnPropStr(name) if res == nil && name == propNameStack { return e.addStackProp() } return res } func (e *errorObject) setOwnStr(name unistring.String, val Value, throw bool) bool { if name == propNameStack { e.addStackProp() } return e.baseObject.setOwnStr(name, val, throw) } func (e *errorObject) setForeignStr(name unistring.String, val, receiver Value, throw bool) (bool, bool) { return e._setForeignStr(name, e.getOwnPropStr(name), val, receiver, throw) } func (e *errorObject) deleteStr(name unistring.String, throw bool) bool { if name == propNameStack { e.addStackProp() } return e.baseObject.deleteStr(name, throw) } func (e *errorObject) defineOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String, desc PropertyDescriptor, throw bool) bool { if name == propNameStack { e.addStackProp() } return e.baseObject.defineOwnPropertyStr(name, desc, throw) } func (e *errorObject) hasOwnPropertyStr(name unistring.String) bool { if e.baseObject.hasOwnPropertyStr(name) { return true } return name == propNameStack && !e.stackPropAdded } func (e *errorObject) stringKeys(all bool, accum []Value) []Value { if all && !e.stackPropAdded { accum = append(accum, asciiString(propNameStack)) } return e.baseObject.stringKeys(all, accum) } func (e *errorObject) iterateStringKeys() iterNextFunc { e.addStackProp() return e.baseObject.iterateStringKeys() } func (e *errorObject) init() { e.baseObject.init() vm := e.val.runtime.vm e.stack = vm.captureStack(make([]StackFrame, 0, len(vm.callStack)+1), 0) } func (r *Runtime) newErrorObject(proto *Object, class string) *errorObject { obj := &Object{runtime: r} o := &errorObject{ baseObject: baseObject{ class: class, val: obj, extensible: true, prototype: proto, }, } obj.self = o o.init() return o } func (r *Runtime) builtin_Error(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object { obj := r.newErrorObject(proto, classError) if len(args) > 0 && args[0] != _undefined { obj._putProp("message", args[0].ToString(), true, false, true) } if len(args) > 1 && args[1] != _undefined { if options, ok := args[1].(*Object); ok { if options.hasProperty(asciiString("cause")) { obj.defineOwnPropertyStr("cause", PropertyDescriptor{ Writable: FLAG_TRUE, Enumerable: FLAG_FALSE, Configurable: FLAG_TRUE, Value: options.Get("cause"), }, true) } } } return obj.val } func (r *Runtime) builtin_AggregateError(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object { obj := r.newErrorObject(proto, classError) if len(args) > 1 && args[1] != nil && args[1] != _undefined { obj._putProp("message", args[1].toString(), true, false, true) } var errors []Value if len(args) > 0 { errors = r.iterableToList(args[0], nil) } obj._putProp("errors", r.newArrayValues(errors), true, false, true) if len(args) > 2 && args[2] != _undefined { if options, ok := args[2].(*Object); ok { if options.hasProperty(asciiString("cause")) { obj.defineOwnPropertyStr("cause", PropertyDescriptor{ Writable: FLAG_TRUE, Enumerable: FLAG_FALSE, Configurable: FLAG_TRUE, Value: options.Get("cause"), }, true) } } } return obj.val } func writeErrorString(sb *StringBuilder, obj *Object) String { var nameStr, msgStr String name := obj.self.getStr("name", nil) if name == nil || name == _undefined { nameStr = asciiString("Error") } else { nameStr = name.toString() } msg := obj.self.getStr("message", nil) if msg == nil || msg == _undefined { msgStr = stringEmpty } else { msgStr = msg.toString() } if nameStr.Length() == 0 { return msgStr } if msgStr.Length() == 0 { return nameStr } sb.WriteString(nameStr) sb.WriteString(asciiString(": ")) sb.WriteString(msgStr) return nil } func (r *Runtime) error_toString(call FunctionCall) Value { var sb StringBuilder val := writeErrorString(&sb, r.toObject(call.This)) if val != nil { return val } return sb.String() } func (r *Runtime) createErrorPrototype(name String, ctor *Object) *Object { o := r.newBaseObject(r.getErrorPrototype(), classObject) o._putProp("message", stringEmpty, true, false, true) o._putProp("name", name, true, false, true) o._putProp("constructor", ctor, true, false, true) return o.val } func (r *Runtime) getErrorPrototype() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = r.NewObject() = ret o := ret.self o._putProp("message", stringEmpty, true, false, true) o._putProp("name", stringError, true, false, true) o._putProp("toString", r.newNativeFunc(r.error_toString, "toString", 0), true, false, true) o._putProp("constructor", r.getError(), true, false, true) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstruct(ret, r.builtin_Error, "Error", r.getErrorPrototype(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getAggregateError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_AggregateError, "AggregateError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringAggregateError, ret), r.getError(), 2) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getTypeError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "TypeError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringTypeError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getReferenceError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "ReferenceError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringReferenceError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getSyntaxError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "SyntaxError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringSyntaxError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getRangeError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "RangeError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringRangeError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getEvalError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "EvalError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringEvalError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getURIError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "URIError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringURIError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret } func (r *Runtime) getGoError() *Object { ret := if ret == nil { ret = &Object{runtime: r} = ret r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(ret, r.builtin_Error, "GoError", r.createErrorPrototype(stringGoError, ret), r.getError(), 1) } return ret }