877 lines
24 KiB
877 lines
24 KiB
Package ast declares types representing a JavaScript AST.
# Warning
The parser and AST interfaces are still works-in-progress (particularly where
node types are concerned) and may change in the future.
package ast
import (
type PropertyKind string
const (
PropertyKindValue PropertyKind = "value"
PropertyKindGet PropertyKind = "get"
PropertyKindSet PropertyKind = "set"
PropertyKindMethod PropertyKind = "method"
// All nodes implement the Node interface.
type Node interface {
Idx0() file.Idx // The index of the first character belonging to the node
Idx1() file.Idx // The index of the first character immediately after the node
// ========== //
// Expression //
// ========== //
type (
// All expression nodes implement the Expression interface.
Expression interface {
BindingTarget interface {
Binding struct {
Target BindingTarget
Initializer Expression
Pattern interface {
YieldExpression struct {
Yield file.Idx
Argument Expression
Delegate bool
AwaitExpression struct {
Await file.Idx
Argument Expression
ArrayLiteral struct {
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
Value []Expression
ArrayPattern struct {
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
Elements []Expression
Rest Expression
AssignExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Left Expression
Right Expression
BadExpression struct {
From file.Idx
To file.Idx
BinaryExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Left Expression
Right Expression
Comparison bool
BooleanLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value bool
BracketExpression struct {
Left Expression
Member Expression
LeftBracket file.Idx
RightBracket file.Idx
CallExpression struct {
Callee Expression
LeftParenthesis file.Idx
ArgumentList []Expression
RightParenthesis file.Idx
ConditionalExpression struct {
Test Expression
Consequent Expression
Alternate Expression
DotExpression struct {
Left Expression
Identifier Identifier
PrivateDotExpression struct {
Left Expression
Identifier PrivateIdentifier
OptionalChain struct {
Optional struct {
FunctionLiteral struct {
Function file.Idx
Name *Identifier
ParameterList *ParameterList
Body *BlockStatement
Source string
DeclarationList []*VariableDeclaration
Async, Generator bool
ClassLiteral struct {
Class file.Idx
RightBrace file.Idx
Name *Identifier
SuperClass Expression
Body []ClassElement
Source string
ConciseBody interface {
ExpressionBody struct {
Expression Expression
ArrowFunctionLiteral struct {
Start file.Idx
ParameterList *ParameterList
Body ConciseBody
Source string
DeclarationList []*VariableDeclaration
Async bool
Identifier struct {
Name unistring.String
Idx file.Idx
PrivateIdentifier struct {
NewExpression struct {
New file.Idx
Callee Expression
LeftParenthesis file.Idx
ArgumentList []Expression
RightParenthesis file.Idx
NullLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
NumberLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value interface{}
ObjectLiteral struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
RightBrace file.Idx
Value []Property
ObjectPattern struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
RightBrace file.Idx
Properties []Property
Rest Expression
ParameterList struct {
Opening file.Idx
List []*Binding
Rest Expression
Closing file.Idx
Property interface {
PropertyShort struct {
Name Identifier
Initializer Expression
PropertyKeyed struct {
Key Expression
Kind PropertyKind
Value Expression
Computed bool
SpreadElement struct {
RegExpLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Pattern string
Flags string
SequenceExpression struct {
Sequence []Expression
StringLiteral struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Value unistring.String
TemplateElement struct {
Idx file.Idx
Literal string
Parsed unistring.String
Valid bool
TemplateLiteral struct {
OpenQuote file.Idx
CloseQuote file.Idx
Tag Expression
Elements []*TemplateElement
Expressions []Expression
ThisExpression struct {
Idx file.Idx
SuperExpression struct {
Idx file.Idx
UnaryExpression struct {
Operator token.Token
Idx file.Idx // If a prefix operation
Operand Expression
Postfix bool
MetaProperty struct {
Meta, Property *Identifier
Idx file.Idx
// _expressionNode
func (*ArrayLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*AssignExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*YieldExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*AwaitExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BadExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BinaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BooleanLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*BracketExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*CallExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ConditionalExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*DotExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*PrivateDotExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*FunctionLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ClassLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ArrowFunctionLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*Identifier) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NewExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NullLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*NumberLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ObjectLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*RegExpLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*SequenceExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*StringLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*TemplateLiteral) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ThisExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*SuperExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*UnaryExpression) _expressionNode() {}
func (*MetaProperty) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ObjectPattern) _expressionNode() {}
func (*ArrayPattern) _expressionNode() {}
func (*Binding) _expressionNode() {}
func (*PropertyShort) _expressionNode() {}
func (*PropertyKeyed) _expressionNode() {}
// ========= //
// Statement //
// ========= //
type (
// All statement nodes implement the Statement interface.
Statement interface {
BadStatement struct {
From file.Idx
To file.Idx
BlockStatement struct {
LeftBrace file.Idx
List []Statement
RightBrace file.Idx
BranchStatement struct {
Idx file.Idx
Token token.Token
Label *Identifier
CaseStatement struct {
Case file.Idx
Test Expression
Consequent []Statement
CatchStatement struct {
Catch file.Idx
Parameter BindingTarget
Body *BlockStatement
DebuggerStatement struct {
Debugger file.Idx
DoWhileStatement struct {
Do file.Idx
Test Expression
Body Statement
RightParenthesis file.Idx
EmptyStatement struct {
Semicolon file.Idx
ExpressionStatement struct {
Expression Expression
ForInStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Into ForInto
Source Expression
Body Statement
ForOfStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Into ForInto
Source Expression
Body Statement
ForStatement struct {
For file.Idx
Initializer ForLoopInitializer
Update Expression
Test Expression
Body Statement
IfStatement struct {
If file.Idx
Test Expression
Consequent Statement
Alternate Statement
LabelledStatement struct {
Label *Identifier
Colon file.Idx
Statement Statement
ReturnStatement struct {
Return file.Idx
Argument Expression
SwitchStatement struct {
Switch file.Idx
Discriminant Expression
Default int
Body []*CaseStatement
RightBrace file.Idx
ThrowStatement struct {
Throw file.Idx
Argument Expression
TryStatement struct {
Try file.Idx
Body *BlockStatement
Catch *CatchStatement
Finally *BlockStatement
VariableStatement struct {
Var file.Idx
List []*Binding
LexicalDeclaration struct {
Idx file.Idx
Token token.Token
List []*Binding
WhileStatement struct {
While file.Idx
Test Expression
Body Statement
WithStatement struct {
With file.Idx
Object Expression
Body Statement
FunctionDeclaration struct {
Function *FunctionLiteral
ClassDeclaration struct {
Class *ClassLiteral
// _statementNode
func (*BadStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*BlockStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*BranchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*CaseStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*CatchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*DebuggerStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*DoWhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*EmptyStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ExpressionStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForInStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForOfStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ForStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*IfStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*LabelledStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ReturnStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*SwitchStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*ThrowStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*TryStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*VariableStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*WhileStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*WithStatement) _statementNode() {}
func (*LexicalDeclaration) _statementNode() {}
func (*FunctionDeclaration) _statementNode() {}
func (*ClassDeclaration) _statementNode() {}
// =========== //
// Declaration //
// =========== //
type (
VariableDeclaration struct {
Var file.Idx
List []*Binding
ClassElement interface {
FieldDefinition struct {
Idx file.Idx
Key Expression
Initializer Expression
Computed bool
Static bool
MethodDefinition struct {
Idx file.Idx
Key Expression
Kind PropertyKind // "method", "get" or "set"
Body *FunctionLiteral
Computed bool
Static bool
ClassStaticBlock struct {
Static file.Idx
Block *BlockStatement
Source string
DeclarationList []*VariableDeclaration
type (
ForLoopInitializer interface {
ForLoopInitializerExpression struct {
Expression Expression
ForLoopInitializerVarDeclList struct {
Var file.Idx
List []*Binding
ForLoopInitializerLexicalDecl struct {
LexicalDeclaration LexicalDeclaration
ForInto interface {
ForIntoVar struct {
Binding *Binding
ForDeclaration struct {
Idx file.Idx
IsConst bool
Target BindingTarget
ForIntoExpression struct {
Expression Expression
func (*ForLoopInitializerExpression) _forLoopInitializer() {}
func (*ForLoopInitializerVarDeclList) _forLoopInitializer() {}
func (*ForLoopInitializerLexicalDecl) _forLoopInitializer() {}
func (*ForIntoVar) _forInto() {}
func (*ForDeclaration) _forInto() {}
func (*ForIntoExpression) _forInto() {}
func (*ArrayPattern) _pattern() {}
func (*ArrayPattern) _bindingTarget() {}
func (*ObjectPattern) _pattern() {}
func (*ObjectPattern) _bindingTarget() {}
func (*BadExpression) _bindingTarget() {}
func (*PropertyShort) _property() {}
func (*PropertyKeyed) _property() {}
func (*SpreadElement) _property() {}
func (*Identifier) _bindingTarget() {}
func (*BlockStatement) _conciseBody() {}
func (*ExpressionBody) _conciseBody() {}
func (*FieldDefinition) _classElement() {}
func (*MethodDefinition) _classElement() {}
func (*ClassStaticBlock) _classElement() {}
// ==== //
// Node //
// ==== //
type Program struct {
Body []Statement
DeclarationList []*VariableDeclaration
File *file.File
// ==== //
// Idx0 //
// ==== //
func (self *ArrayLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBracket }
func (self *ArrayPattern) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBracket }
func (self *YieldExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Yield }
func (self *AwaitExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Await }
func (self *ObjectPattern) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *ParameterList) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Opening }
func (self *AssignExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *BadExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.From }
func (self *BinaryExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *BooleanLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *BracketExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *CallExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Callee.Idx0() }
func (self *ConditionalExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Test.Idx0() }
func (self *DotExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *PrivateDotExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Left.Idx0() }
func (self *FunctionLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Function }
func (self *ClassLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Class }
func (self *ArrowFunctionLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Start }
func (self *Identifier) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *NewExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.New }
func (self *NullLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *NumberLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ObjectLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *RegExpLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *SequenceExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Sequence[0].Idx0() }
func (self *StringLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *TemplateElement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *TemplateLiteral) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.OpenQuote }
func (self *ThisExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *SuperExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *UnaryExpression) Idx0() file.Idx {
if self.Postfix {
return self.Operand.Idx0()
return self.Idx
func (self *MetaProperty) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *BadStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.From }
func (self *BlockStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LeftBrace }
func (self *BranchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *CaseStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Case }
func (self *CatchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Catch }
func (self *DebuggerStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Debugger }
func (self *DoWhileStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Do }
func (self *EmptyStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Semicolon }
func (self *ExpressionStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx0() }
func (self *ForInStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *ForOfStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *ForStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.For }
func (self *IfStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.If }
func (self *LabelledStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Label.Idx0() }
func (self *Program) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Body[0].Idx0() }
func (self *ReturnStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Return }
func (self *SwitchStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Switch }
func (self *ThrowStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Throw }
func (self *TryStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Try }
func (self *VariableStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Var }
func (self *WhileStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.While }
func (self *WithStatement) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.With }
func (self *LexicalDeclaration) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *FunctionDeclaration) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Function.Idx0() }
func (self *ClassDeclaration) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Class.Idx0() }
func (self *Binding) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Target.Idx0() }
func (self *ForLoopInitializerExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx0() }
func (self *ForLoopInitializerVarDeclList) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.List[0].Idx0() }
func (self *ForLoopInitializerLexicalDecl) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.LexicalDeclaration.Idx0() }
func (self *PropertyShort) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Name.Idx }
func (self *PropertyKeyed) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Key.Idx0() }
func (self *ExpressionBody) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx0() }
func (self *VariableDeclaration) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Var }
func (self *FieldDefinition) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *MethodDefinition) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ClassStaticBlock) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Static }
func (self *ForDeclaration) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Idx }
func (self *ForIntoVar) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Binding.Idx0() }
func (self *ForIntoExpression) Idx0() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx0() }
// ==== //
// Idx1 //
// ==== //
func (self *ArrayLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket + 1 }
func (self *ArrayPattern) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket + 1 }
func (self *AssignExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Right.Idx1() }
func (self *AwaitExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Argument.Idx1() }
func (self *BadExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.To }
func (self *BinaryExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Right.Idx1() }
func (self *BooleanLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *BracketExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBracket + 1 }
func (self *CallExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightParenthesis + 1 }
func (self *ConditionalExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Alternate.Idx1() }
func (self *DotExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Identifier.Idx1() }
func (self *PrivateDotExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Identifier.Idx1() }
func (self *FunctionLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *ClassLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *ArrowFunctionLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *Identifier) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Name)) }
func (self *NewExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.ArgumentList != nil {
return self.RightParenthesis + 1
} else {
return self.Callee.Idx1()
func (self *NullLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + 4) } // "null"
func (self *NumberLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *ObjectLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *ObjectPattern) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *ParameterList) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Closing + 1 }
func (self *RegExpLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *SequenceExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Sequence[len(self.Sequence)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *StringLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *TemplateElement) Idx1() file.Idx { return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Literal)) }
func (self *TemplateLiteral) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.CloseQuote + 1 }
func (self *ThisExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Idx + 4 }
func (self *SuperExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Idx + 5 }
func (self *UnaryExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Postfix {
return self.Operand.Idx1() + 2 // ++ --
return self.Operand.Idx1()
func (self *MetaProperty) Idx1() file.Idx {
return self.Property.Idx1()
func (self *BadStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.To }
func (self *BlockStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *BranchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Label == nil {
return file.Idx(int(self.Idx) + len(self.Token.String()))
return self.Label.Idx1()
func (self *CaseStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Consequent[len(self.Consequent)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *CatchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *DebuggerStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Debugger + 8 }
func (self *DoWhileStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightParenthesis + 1 }
func (self *EmptyStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Semicolon + 1 }
func (self *ExpressionStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx1() }
func (self *ForInStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *ForOfStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *ForStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *IfStatement) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Alternate != nil {
return self.Alternate.Idx1()
return self.Consequent.Idx1()
func (self *LabelledStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Statement.Idx1() }
func (self *Program) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body[len(self.Body)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *ReturnStatement) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Argument != nil {
return self.Argument.Idx1()
return self.Return + 6
func (self *SwitchStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.RightBrace + 1 }
func (self *ThrowStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Argument.Idx1() }
func (self *TryStatement) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Finally != nil {
return self.Finally.Idx1()
if self.Catch != nil {
return self.Catch.Idx1()
return self.Body.Idx1()
func (self *VariableStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.List[len(self.List)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *WhileStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *WithStatement) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Body.Idx1() }
func (self *LexicalDeclaration) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.List[len(self.List)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *FunctionDeclaration) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Function.Idx1() }
func (self *ClassDeclaration) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Class.Idx1() }
func (self *Binding) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Initializer != nil {
return self.Initializer.Idx1()
return self.Target.Idx1()
func (self *ForLoopInitializerExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx1() }
func (self *ForLoopInitializerVarDeclList) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.List[len(self.List)-1].Idx1() }
func (self *ForLoopInitializerLexicalDecl) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.LexicalDeclaration.Idx1() }
func (self *PropertyShort) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Initializer != nil {
return self.Initializer.Idx1()
return self.Name.Idx1()
func (self *PropertyKeyed) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Value.Idx1() }
func (self *ExpressionBody) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx1() }
func (self *VariableDeclaration) Idx1() file.Idx {
if len(self.List) > 0 {
return self.List[len(self.List)-1].Idx1()
return self.Var + 3
func (self *FieldDefinition) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Initializer != nil {
return self.Initializer.Idx1()
return self.Key.Idx1()
func (self *MethodDefinition) Idx1() file.Idx {
return self.Body.Idx1()
func (self *ClassStaticBlock) Idx1() file.Idx {
return self.Block.Idx1()
func (self *YieldExpression) Idx1() file.Idx {
if self.Argument != nil {
return self.Argument.Idx1()
return self.Yield + 5
func (self *ForDeclaration) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Target.Idx1() }
func (self *ForIntoVar) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Binding.Idx1() }
func (self *ForIntoExpression) Idx1() file.Idx { return self.Expression.Idx1() }