2024-09-07 23:14:12 +08:00

259 lines
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package zhipu
import (
const (
BatchEndpointV4ChatCompletions = "/v4/chat/completions"
BatchEndpointV4ImagesGenerations = "/v4/images/generations"
BatchEndpointV4Embeddings = "/v4/embeddings"
BatchEndpointV4VideosGenerations = "/v4/videos/generations"
BatchCompletionWindow24h = "24h"
// BatchRequestCounts represents the counts of the batch requests.
type BatchRequestCounts struct {
Total int64 `json:"total"`
Completed int64 `json:"completed"`
Failed int64 `json:"failed"`
// BatchItem represents a batch item.
type BatchItem struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Object any `json:"object"`
Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
InputFileID string `json:"input_file_id"`
CompletionWindow string `json:"completion_window"`
Status string `json:"status"`
OutputFileID string `json:"output_file_id"`
ErrorFileID string `json:"error_file_id"`
CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"`
InProgressAt int64 `json:"in_progress_at"`
ExpiresAt int64 `json:"expires_at"`
FinalizingAt int64 `json:"finalizing_at"`
CompletedAt int64 `json:"completed_at"`
FailedAt int64 `json:"failed_at"`
ExpiredAt int64 `json:"expired_at"`
CancellingAt int64 `json:"cancelling_at"`
CancelledAt int64 `json:"cancelled_at"`
RequestCounts BatchRequestCounts `json:"request_counts"`
Metadata json.RawMessage `json:"metadata"`
// BatchCreateService is a service to create a batch.
type BatchCreateService struct {
client *Client
inputFileID string
endpoint string
completionWindow string
metadata any
// NewBatchCreateService creates a new BatchCreateService.
func NewBatchCreateService(client *Client) *BatchCreateService {
return &BatchCreateService{client: client}
// SetInputFileID sets the input file id for the batch.
func (s *BatchCreateService) SetInputFileID(inputFileID string) *BatchCreateService {
s.inputFileID = inputFileID
return s
// SetEndpoint sets the endpoint for the batch.
func (s *BatchCreateService) SetEndpoint(endpoint string) *BatchCreateService {
s.endpoint = endpoint
return s
// SetCompletionWindow sets the completion window for the batch.
func (s *BatchCreateService) SetCompletionWindow(window string) *BatchCreateService {
s.completionWindow = window
return s
// SetMetadata sets the metadata for the batch.
func (s *BatchCreateService) SetMetadata(metadata any) *BatchCreateService {
s.metadata = metadata
return s
// Do executes the batch create service.
func (s *BatchCreateService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res BatchItem, err error) {
var (
resp *resty.Response
apiError APIErrorResponse
if resp, err = s.client.request(ctx).
"input_file_id": s.inputFileID,
"endpoint": s.endpoint,
"completion_window": s.completionWindow,
"metadata": s.metadata,
Post("batches"); err != nil {
if resp.IsError() {
err = apiError
// BatchGetService is a service to get a batch.
type BatchGetService struct {
client *Client
batchID string
// BatchGetResponse represents the response of the batch get service.
type BatchGetResponse = BatchItem
// NewBatchGetService creates a new BatchGetService.
func NewBatchGetService(client *Client) *BatchGetService {
return &BatchGetService{client: client}
// SetBatchID sets the batch id for the batch get service.
func (s *BatchGetService) SetBatchID(batchID string) *BatchGetService {
s.batchID = batchID
return s
// Do executes the batch get service.
func (s *BatchGetService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res BatchGetResponse, err error) {
var (
resp *resty.Response
apiError APIErrorResponse
if resp, err = s.client.request(ctx).
SetPathParam("batch_id", s.batchID).
Get("batches/{batch_id}"); err != nil {
if resp.IsError() {
err = apiError
// BatchCancelService is a service to cancel a batch.
type BatchCancelService struct {
client *Client
batchID string
// NewBatchCancelService creates a new BatchCancelService.
func NewBatchCancelService(client *Client) *BatchCancelService {
return &BatchCancelService{client: client}
// SetBatchID sets the batch id for the batch cancel service.
func (s *BatchCancelService) SetBatchID(batchID string) *BatchCancelService {
s.batchID = batchID
return s
// Do executes the batch cancel service.
func (s *BatchCancelService) Do(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
var (
resp *resty.Response
apiError APIErrorResponse
if resp, err = s.client.request(ctx).
SetPathParam("batch_id", s.batchID).
Post("batches/{batch_id}/cancel"); err != nil {
if resp.IsError() {
err = apiError
// BatchListService is a service to list batches.
type BatchListService struct {
client *Client
after *string
limit *int
// BatchListResponse represents the response of the batch list service.
type BatchListResponse struct {
Object string `json:"object"`
Data []BatchItem `json:"data"`
FirstID string `json:"first_id"`
LastID string `json:"last_id"`
HasMore bool `json:"has_more"`
// NewBatchListService creates a new BatchListService.
func NewBatchListService(client *Client) *BatchListService {
return &BatchListService{client: client}
// SetAfter sets the after cursor for the batch list service.
func (s *BatchListService) SetAfter(after string) *BatchListService {
s.after = &after
return s
// SetLimit sets the limit for the batch list service.
func (s *BatchListService) SetLimit(limit int) *BatchListService {
s.limit = &limit
return s
// Do executes the batch list service.
func (s *BatchListService) Do(ctx context.Context) (res BatchListResponse, err error) {
var (
resp *resty.Response
apiError APIErrorResponse
req := s.client.request(ctx)
if s.after != nil {
req.SetQueryParam("after", *s.after)
if s.limit != nil {
req.SetQueryParam("limit", strconv.Itoa(*s.limit))
if resp, err = req.
Get("batches"); err != nil {
if resp.IsError() {
err = apiError