# ag - tools for apigo.cloud ## Install ```shell go install apigo.cc/apigo/ag@latest ``` ## Usage ``` tools for apigo.cloud Usage: ag [command] [...] ag [short command] [...] Commands: init [i] init a new project for empty dir init plugin [i p] init a new plugin project for empty dir run [r] will exec `go run .` watch run [rr] [...] run project use gowatch, if project files changed will restart auto, ... args see gowatch help https://github.com/ssgo/tool test [t] will exec `go test -v .`, will exec into tests if exists tests dir watch test [tt] [...] test project use gowatch, if project files changed will restart auto, ... args see gowatch help https://github.com/ssgo/tool tidy [td] tidy project, find imported plugins from .js files add import code to jsImports.go, export typescript code for used plugins into "plugins/" tags [] show git tags commit [co] comment commit git repo and push, comment is need tag+ [t+] [version] add git tag push, if no new tag specified will use last tag +1 ```