2024-10-02 00:07:02 +08:00

3196 lines
79 KiB

package goja
import (
js_ast "apigo.cc/apigo/gojs/dop251/goja/ast"
const (
sqrt1_2 float64 = math.Sqrt2 / 2
deoptimiseRegexp = false
var (
typeCallable = reflect.TypeOf(Callable(nil))
typeValue = reflect.TypeOf((*Value)(nil)).Elem()
typeObject = reflect.TypeOf((*Object)(nil))
typeTime = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
typeBigInt = reflect.TypeOf((*big.Int)(nil))
typeBytes = reflect.TypeOf(([]byte)(nil))
type iterationKind int
const (
iterationKindKey iterationKind = iota
type global struct {
stash stash
Object *Object
Array *Object
Function *Object
String *Object
Number *Object
BigInt *Object
Boolean *Object
RegExp *Object
Date *Object
Symbol *Object
Proxy *Object
Reflect *Object
Promise *Object
Math *Object
JSON *Object
AsyncFunction *Object
ArrayBuffer *Object
DataView *Object
TypedArray *Object
Uint8Array *Object
Uint8ClampedArray *Object
Int8Array *Object
Uint16Array *Object
Int16Array *Object
Uint32Array *Object
Int32Array *Object
Float32Array *Object
Float64Array *Object
BigInt64Array *Object
BigUint64Array *Object
WeakSet *Object
WeakMap *Object
Map *Object
Set *Object
Error *Object
AggregateError *Object
TypeError *Object
ReferenceError *Object
SyntaxError *Object
RangeError *Object
EvalError *Object
URIError *Object
GoError *Object
ObjectPrototype *Object
ArrayPrototype *Object
NumberPrototype *Object
BigIntPrototype *Object
StringPrototype *Object
BooleanPrototype *Object
FunctionPrototype *Object
RegExpPrototype *Object
DatePrototype *Object
SymbolPrototype *Object
ArrayBufferPrototype *Object
DataViewPrototype *Object
TypedArrayPrototype *Object
WeakSetPrototype *Object
WeakMapPrototype *Object
MapPrototype *Object
SetPrototype *Object
PromisePrototype *Object
GeneratorFunctionPrototype *Object
GeneratorFunction *Object
GeneratorPrototype *Object
AsyncFunctionPrototype *Object
IteratorPrototype *Object
ArrayIteratorPrototype *Object
MapIteratorPrototype *Object
SetIteratorPrototype *Object
StringIteratorPrototype *Object
RegExpStringIteratorPrototype *Object
ErrorPrototype *Object
Eval *Object
thrower *Object
stdRegexpProto *guardedObject
weakSetAdder *Object
weakMapAdder *Object
mapAdder *Object
setAdder *Object
arrayValues *Object
arrayToString *Object
stringproto_trimEnd *Object
stringproto_trimStart *Object
parseFloat, parseInt *Object
typedArrayValues *Object
type Flag int
const (
FLAG_NOT_SET Flag = iota
func (f Flag) Bool() bool {
return f == FLAG_TRUE
func ToFlag(b bool) Flag {
if b {
return FLAG_TRUE
type RandSource func() float64
type Now func() time.Time
type Runtime struct {
GoData map[string]any
global global
globalObject *Object
stringSingleton *stringObject
rand RandSource
now Now
_collator *collate.Collator
parserOptions []parser.Option
symbolRegistry map[unistring.String]*Symbol
fieldsInfoCache map[reflect.Type]*reflectFieldsInfo
methodsInfoCache map[reflect.Type]*reflectMethodsInfo
fieldNameMapper FieldNameMapper
vm *vm
hash *maphash.Hash
idSeq uint64
jobQueue []func()
promiseRejectionTracker PromiseRejectionTracker
asyncContextTracker AsyncContextTracker
type StackFrame struct {
prg *Program
funcName unistring.String
pc int
func (f *StackFrame) SrcName() string {
if f.prg == nil {
return "<native>"
return f.prg.src.Name()
func (f *StackFrame) FuncName() string {
if f.funcName == "" && f.prg == nil {
return "<native>"
if f.funcName == "" {
return "<anonymous>"
return f.funcName.String()
func (f *StackFrame) Position() file.Position {
if f.prg == nil || f.prg.src == nil {
return file.Position{}
return f.prg.src.Position(f.prg.sourceOffset(f.pc))
func (f *StackFrame) WriteToValueBuilder(b *StringBuilder) {
if f.prg != nil {
if n := f.prg.funcName; n != "" {
b.writeASCII(" (")
p := f.Position()
if p.Filename != "" {
} else {
if f.prg.funcName != "" {
} else {
if f.funcName != "" {
b.writeASCII(" (")
if f.funcName != "" {
func (f *StackFrame) Write(b *bytes.Buffer) {
if f.prg != nil {
if n := f.prg.funcName; n != "" {
b.WriteString(" (")
p := f.Position()
if p.Filename != "" {
} else {
if f.prg.funcName != "" {
} else {
if f.funcName != "" {
b.WriteString(" (")
if f.funcName != "" {
// An un-catchable exception is not catchable by try/catch statements (finally is not executed either),
// but it is returned as an error to a Go caller rather than causing a panic.
type uncatchableException interface {
type Exception struct {
val Value
stack []StackFrame
type baseUncatchableException struct {
func (e *baseUncatchableException) _uncatchableException() {}
type InterruptedError struct {
iface interface{}
func (e *InterruptedError) Unwrap() error {
if err, ok := e.iface.(error); ok {
return err
return nil
type StackOverflowError struct {
func (e *InterruptedError) Value() interface{} {
return e.iface
func (e *InterruptedError) String() string {
if e == nil {
return "<nil>"
var b bytes.Buffer
if e.iface != nil {
return b.String()
func (e *InterruptedError) Error() string {
if e == nil || e.iface == nil {
return "<nil>"
var b bytes.Buffer
return b.String()
func (e *Exception) writeFullStack(b *bytes.Buffer) {
for _, frame := range e.stack {
b.WriteString("\tat ")
func (e *Exception) writeShortStack(b *bytes.Buffer) {
if len(e.stack) > 0 && (e.stack[0].prg != nil || e.stack[0].funcName != "") {
b.WriteString(" at ")
func (e *Exception) String() string {
if e == nil {
return "<nil>"
var b bytes.Buffer
if e.val != nil {
return b.String()
func (e *Exception) Error() string {
if e == nil {
return "<nil>"
var b bytes.Buffer
if e.val != nil {
return b.String()
func (e *Exception) Value() Value {
return e.val
func (e *Exception) Unwrap() error {
if obj, ok := e.val.(*Object); ok {
if obj.runtime.getGoError().self.hasInstance(obj) {
if val := obj.Get("value"); val != nil {
e1, _ := val.Export().(error)
return e1
return nil
func (e *Exception) Stack() []StackFrame {
return e.stack
func (r *Runtime) createIterProto(val *Object) objectImpl {
o := newBaseObjectObj(val, r.global.ObjectPrototype, classObject)
o._putSym(SymIterator, valueProp(r.newNativeFunc(r.returnThis, "[Symbol.iterator]", 0), true, false, true))
return o
func (r *Runtime) getIteratorPrototype() *Object {
var o *Object
if o = r.global.IteratorPrototype; o == nil {
o = &Object{runtime: r}
r.global.IteratorPrototype = o
o.self = r.createIterProto(o)
return o
func (r *Runtime) init() {
r.rand = rand.Float64
r.now = time.Now
r.global.ObjectPrototype = &Object{runtime: r}
r.newTemplatedObject(getObjectProtoTemplate(), r.global.ObjectPrototype)
r.globalObject = &Object{runtime: r}
r.newTemplatedObject(getGlobalObjectTemplate(), r.globalObject)
r.vm = &vm{
r: r,
func (r *Runtime) typeErrorResult(throw bool, args ...interface{}) {
if throw {
func (r *Runtime) newError(typ *Object, format string, args ...interface{}) Value {
var msg string
if len(args) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
} else {
msg = format
return r.builtin_new(typ, []Value{newStringValue(msg)})
func (r *Runtime) throwReferenceError(name unistring.String) {
func (r *Runtime) newReferenceError(name unistring.String) Value {
return r.newError(r.getReferenceError(), "%s is not defined", name)
func (r *Runtime) newSyntaxError(msg string, offset int) Value {
return r.builtin_new(r.getSyntaxError(), []Value{newStringValue(msg)})
func newBaseObjectObj(obj, proto *Object, class string) *baseObject {
o := &baseObject{
class: class,
val: obj,
extensible: true,
prototype: proto,
obj.self = o
return o
func newGuardedObj(proto *Object, class string) *guardedObject {
return &guardedObject{
baseObject: baseObject{
class: class,
extensible: true,
prototype: proto,
func (r *Runtime) newBaseObject(proto *Object, class string) (o *baseObject) {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
return newBaseObjectObj(v, proto, class)
func (r *Runtime) newGuardedObject(proto *Object, class string) (o *guardedObject) {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
o = newGuardedObj(proto, class)
v.self = o
o.val = v
func (r *Runtime) NewObject() (v *Object) {
return r.newBaseObject(r.global.ObjectPrototype, classObject).val
// CreateObject creates an object with given prototype. Equivalent of Object.create(proto).
func (r *Runtime) CreateObject(proto *Object) *Object {
return r.newBaseObject(proto, classObject).val
func (r *Runtime) NewArray(items ...interface{}) *Object {
values := make([]Value, len(items))
for i, item := range items {
values[i] = r.ToValue(item)
return r.newArrayValues(values)
func (r *Runtime) NewTypeError(args ...interface{}) *Object {
msg := ""
if len(args) > 0 {
f, _ := args[0].(string)
msg = fmt.Sprintf(f, args[1:]...)
return r.builtin_new(r.getTypeError(), []Value{newStringValue(msg)})
func (r *Runtime) NewGoError(err error) *Object {
e := r.newError(r.getGoError(), err.Error()).(*Object)
e.Set("value", err)
return e
func (r *Runtime) newFunc(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *funcObject) {
f = &funcObject{}
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) newAsyncFunc(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *asyncFuncObject) {
f = &asyncFuncObject{}
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.class = classFunction
f.prototype = r.getAsyncFunctionPrototype()
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) newGeneratorFunc(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *generatorFuncObject) {
f = &generatorFuncObject{}
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.class = classFunction
f.prototype = r.getGeneratorFunctionPrototype()
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
f._putProp("prototype", r.newBaseObject(r.getGeneratorPrototype(), classObject).val, true, false, false)
func (r *Runtime) newClassFunc(name unistring.String, length int, proto *Object, derived bool) (f *classFuncObject) {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
f = &classFuncObject{}
f.class = classFunction
f.val = v
f.extensible = true
f.strict = true
f.derived = derived
v.self = f
f.prototype = proto
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) initBaseJsFunction(f *baseJsFuncObject, strict bool) {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
f.class = classFunction
f.val = v
f.extensible = true
f.strict = strict
f.prototype = r.getFunctionPrototype()
func (r *Runtime) newMethod(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *methodFuncObject) {
f = &methodFuncObject{}
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) newGeneratorMethod(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *generatorMethodFuncObject) {
f = &generatorMethodFuncObject{}
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.prototype = r.getGeneratorFunctionPrototype()
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
f._putProp("prototype", r.newBaseObject(r.getGeneratorPrototype(), classObject).val, true, false, false)
func (r *Runtime) newAsyncMethod(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *asyncMethodFuncObject) {
f = &asyncMethodFuncObject{}
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) initArrowFunc(f *arrowFuncObject, strict bool) {
r.initBaseJsFunction(&f.baseJsFuncObject, strict)
f.newTarget = r.vm.newTarget
func (r *Runtime) newArrowFunc(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *arrowFuncObject) {
f = &arrowFuncObject{}
r.initArrowFunc(f, strict)
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) newAsyncArrowFunc(name unistring.String, length int, strict bool) (f *asyncArrowFuncObject) {
f = &asyncArrowFuncObject{}
r.initArrowFunc(&f.arrowFuncObject, strict)
f.class = classObject
f.prototype = r.getAsyncFunctionPrototype()
f.val.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
func (r *Runtime) newNativeConstructor(call func(ConstructorCall) *Object, name unistring.String, length int64) *Object {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
f := &nativeFuncObject{
baseFuncObject: baseFuncObject{
baseObject: baseObject{
class: classFunction,
val: v,
extensible: true,
prototype: r.getFunctionPrototype(),
f.f = func(c FunctionCall) Value {
thisObj, _ := c.This.(*Object)
if thisObj != nil {
res := call(ConstructorCall{
This: thisObj,
Arguments: c.Arguments,
if res == nil {
return _undefined
return res
return f.defaultConstruct(call, c.Arguments, nil)
f.construct = func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object {
return f.defaultConstruct(call, args, newTarget)
v.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(length))
proto := r.NewObject()
proto.self._putProp("constructor", v, true, false, true)
f._putProp("prototype", proto, true, false, false)
return v
func (r *Runtime) newNativeConstructOnly(v *Object, ctor func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object, defaultProto *Object, name unistring.String, length int64) *nativeFuncObject {
return r.newNativeFuncAndConstruct(v, func(call FunctionCall) Value {
return ctor(call.Arguments, nil)
func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object {
if newTarget == nil {
newTarget = v
return ctor(args, newTarget)
}, defaultProto, name, intToValue(length))
func (r *Runtime) newNativeFuncAndConstruct(v *Object, call func(call FunctionCall) Value, ctor func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object, defaultProto *Object, name unistring.String, l Value) *nativeFuncObject {
if v == nil {
v = &Object{runtime: r}
f := &nativeFuncObject{
baseFuncObject: baseFuncObject{
baseObject: baseObject{
class: classFunction,
val: v,
extensible: true,
prototype: r.getFunctionPrototype(),
f: call,
construct: ctor,
v.self = f
f.init(name, l)
if defaultProto != nil {
f._putProp("prototype", defaultProto, false, false, false)
return f
func (r *Runtime) newNativeFunc(call func(FunctionCall) Value, name unistring.String, length int) *Object {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
f := &nativeFuncObject{
baseFuncObject: baseFuncObject{
baseObject: baseObject{
class: classFunction,
val: v,
extensible: true,
prototype: r.getFunctionPrototype(),
f: call,
v.self = f
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
return v
func (r *Runtime) newWrappedFunc(value reflect.Value) *Object {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
f := &wrappedFuncObject{
nativeFuncObject: nativeFuncObject{
baseFuncObject: baseFuncObject{
baseObject: baseObject{
class: classFunction,
val: v,
extensible: true,
prototype: r.getFunctionPrototype(),
f: r.wrapReflectFunc(value),
wrapped: value,
v.self = f
name := unistring.NewFromString(runtime.FuncForPC(value.Pointer()).Name())
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(value.Type().NumIn())))
return v
func (r *Runtime) newNativeFuncConstructObj(v *Object, construct func(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object, name unistring.String, proto *Object, length int) *nativeFuncObject {
f := &nativeFuncObject{
baseFuncObject: baseFuncObject{
baseObject: baseObject{
class: classFunction,
val: v,
extensible: true,
prototype: r.getFunctionPrototype(),
f: r.constructToCall(construct, proto),
construct: r.wrapNativeConstruct(construct, v, proto),
f.init(name, intToValue(int64(length)))
if proto != nil {
f._putProp("prototype", proto, false, false, false)
return f
func (r *Runtime) newNativeFuncConstruct(v *Object, construct func(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object, name unistring.String, prototype *Object, length int64) *Object {
return r.newNativeFuncConstructProto(v, construct, name, prototype, r.getFunctionPrototype(), length)
func (r *Runtime) newNativeFuncConstructProto(v *Object, construct func(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object, name unistring.String, prototype, proto *Object, length int64) *Object {
f := &nativeFuncObject{}
f.class = classFunction
f.val = v
f.extensible = true
v.self = f
f.prototype = proto
f.f = r.constructToCall(construct, prototype)
f.construct = r.wrapNativeConstruct(construct, v, prototype)
f.init(name, intToValue(length))
if prototype != nil {
f._putProp("prototype", prototype, false, false, false)
return v
func (r *Runtime) newPrimitiveObject(value Value, proto *Object, class string) *Object {
v := &Object{runtime: r}
o := &primitiveValueObject{}
o.class = class
o.val = v
o.extensible = true
v.self = o
o.prototype = proto
o.pValue = value
return v
func (r *Runtime) builtin_Number(call FunctionCall) Value {
if len(call.Arguments) > 0 {
switch t := call.Arguments[0].(type) {
case *Object:
primValue := t.toPrimitiveNumber()
if bigint, ok := primValue.(*valueBigInt); ok {
return intToValue((*big.Int)(bigint).Int64())
return primValue.ToNumber()
case *valueBigInt:
return intToValue((*big.Int)(t).Int64())
return t.ToNumber()
} else {
return valueInt(0)
func (r *Runtime) builtin_newNumber(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object {
var v Value
if len(args) > 0 {
switch t := args[0].(type) {
case *Object:
primValue := t.toPrimitiveNumber()
if bigint, ok := primValue.(*valueBigInt); ok {
v = intToValue((*big.Int)(bigint).Int64())
} else {
v = primValue.ToNumber()
case *valueBigInt:
v = intToValue((*big.Int)(t).Int64())
v = t.ToNumber()
} else {
v = intToValue(0)
return r.newPrimitiveObject(v, proto, classNumber)
func (r *Runtime) builtin_Boolean(call FunctionCall) Value {
if len(call.Arguments) > 0 {
if call.Arguments[0].ToBoolean() {
return valueTrue
} else {
return valueFalse
} else {
return valueFalse
func (r *Runtime) builtin_newBoolean(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object {
var v Value
if len(args) > 0 {
if args[0].ToBoolean() {
v = valueTrue
} else {
v = valueFalse
} else {
v = valueFalse
return r.newPrimitiveObject(v, proto, classBoolean)
func (r *Runtime) builtin_new(construct *Object, args []Value) *Object {
return r.toConstructor(construct)(args, construct)
func (r *Runtime) builtin_thrower(call FunctionCall) Value {
obj := r.toObject(call.This)
strict := true
switch fn := obj.self.(type) {
case *funcObject:
strict = fn.strict
r.typeErrorResult(strict, "'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them")
return nil
func (r *Runtime) eval(srcVal String, direct, strict bool) Value {
src := escapeInvalidUtf16(srcVal)
vm := r.vm
inGlobal := true
if direct {
for s := vm.stash; s != nil; s = s.outer {
if s.isVariable() {
inGlobal = false
funcObj := _undefined
if !direct {
vm.stash = &r.global.stash
vm.privEnv = nil
} else {
if sb := vm.sb; sb > 0 {
funcObj = vm.stack[sb-1]
p, err := r.compile("<eval>", src, strict, inGlobal, r.vm)
if err != nil {
vm.prg = p
vm.pc = 0
vm.args = 0
vm.result = _undefined
vm.sb = vm.sp
vm.push(nil) // this
ex := vm.runTry()
retval := vm.result
if ex != nil {
vm.sp -= 2
return retval
func (r *Runtime) builtin_eval(call FunctionCall) Value {
if len(call.Arguments) == 0 {
return _undefined
if str, ok := call.Arguments[0].(String); ok {
return r.eval(str, false, false)
return call.Arguments[0]
func (r *Runtime) constructToCall(construct func(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object, proto *Object) func(call FunctionCall) Value {
return func(call FunctionCall) Value {
return construct(call.Arguments, proto)
func (r *Runtime) wrapNativeConstruct(c func(args []Value, proto *Object) *Object, ctorObj, defProto *Object) func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object {
if c == nil {
return nil
return func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object {
var proto *Object
if newTarget != nil {
proto = r.getPrototypeFromCtor(newTarget, ctorObj, defProto)
} else {
proto = defProto
return c(args, proto)
func (r *Runtime) toCallable(v Value) func(FunctionCall) Value {
if call, ok := r.toObject(v).self.assertCallable(); ok {
return call
r.typeErrorResult(true, "Value is not callable: %s", v.toString())
return nil
func (r *Runtime) checkObjectCoercible(v Value) {
switch v.(type) {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
r.typeErrorResult(true, "Value is not object coercible")
func toInt8(v Value) int8 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return int8(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return int8(int64(f))
return 0
func toUint8(v Value) uint8 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return uint8(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return uint8(int64(f))
return 0
func toUint8Clamp(v Value) uint8 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
if i < 0 {
return 0
if i <= 255 {
return uint8(i)
return 255
if num, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
num := float64(num)
if !math.IsNaN(num) {
if num < 0 {
return 0
if num > 255 {
return 255
f := math.Floor(num)
f1 := f + 0.5
if f1 < num {
return uint8(f + 1)
if f1 > num {
return uint8(f)
r := uint8(f)
if r&1 != 0 {
return r + 1
return r
return 0
func toInt16(v Value) int16 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return int16(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return int16(int64(f))
return 0
func toUint16(v Value) uint16 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return uint16(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return uint16(int64(f))
return 0
func toInt32(v Value) int32 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return int32(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return int32(int64(f))
return 0
func toUint32(v Value) uint32 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return uint32(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return uint32(int64(f))
return 0
func toInt64(v Value) int64 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return int64(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return int64(f)
return 0
func toUint64(v Value) uint64 {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return uint64(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return uint64(int64(f))
return 0
func toInt(v Value) int {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return int(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return int(f)
return 0
func toUint(v Value) uint {
v = v.ToNumber()
if i, ok := v.(valueInt); ok {
return uint(i)
if f, ok := v.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if !math.IsNaN(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0) {
return uint(int64(f))
return 0
func toFloat32(v Value) float32 {
return float32(v.ToFloat())
func toLength(v Value) int64 {
if v == nil {
return 0
i := v.ToInteger()
if i < 0 {
return 0
if i >= maxInt {
return maxInt - 1
return i
func (r *Runtime) toLengthUint32(v Value) uint32 {
var intVal int64
switch num := v.(type) {
case valueInt:
intVal = int64(num)
case valueFloat:
if v != _negativeZero {
if i, ok := floatToInt(float64(num)); ok {
intVal = i
} else {
goto fail
case String:
v = num.ToNumber()
goto repeat
// Legacy behaviour as specified in https://tc39.es/ecma262/#sec-arraysetlength (see the note)
n2 := toUint32(v)
n1 := v.ToNumber()
if f, ok := n1.(valueFloat); ok {
f := float64(f)
if f != 0 || !math.Signbit(f) {
goto fail
if n1.ToInteger() != int64(n2) {
goto fail
return n2
if intVal >= 0 && intVal <= math.MaxUint32 {
return uint32(intVal)
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "Invalid array length"))
func toIntStrict(i int64) int {
if bits.UintSize == 32 {
if i > math.MaxInt32 || i < math.MinInt32 {
panic(rangeError("Integer value overflows 32-bit int"))
return int(i)
func toIntClamp(i int64) int {
if bits.UintSize == 32 {
if i > math.MaxInt32 {
return math.MaxInt32
if i < math.MinInt32 {
return math.MinInt32
return int(i)
func (r *Runtime) toIndex(v Value) int {
num := v.ToInteger()
if num >= 0 && num < maxInt {
if bits.UintSize == 32 && num >= math.MaxInt32 {
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "Index %s overflows int", v.String()))
return int(num)
panic(r.newError(r.getRangeError(), "Invalid index %s", v.String()))
func (r *Runtime) toBoolean(b bool) Value {
if b {
return valueTrue
} else {
return valueFalse
// New creates an instance of a Javascript runtime that can be used to run code. Multiple instances may be created and
// used simultaneously, however it is not possible to pass JS values across runtimes.
func New() *Runtime {
r := &Runtime{}
return r
// Compile creates an internal representation of the JavaScript code that can be later run using the Runtime.RunProgram()
// method. This representation is not linked to a runtime in any way and can be run in multiple runtimes (possibly
// at the same time).
func Compile(name, src string, strict bool) (*Program, error) {
return compile(name, src, strict, true, nil)
// CompileAST creates an internal representation of the JavaScript code that can be later run using the Runtime.RunProgram()
// method. This representation is not linked to a runtime in any way and can be run in multiple runtimes (possibly
// at the same time).
func CompileAST(prg *js_ast.Program, strict bool) (*Program, error) {
return compileAST(prg, strict, true, nil)
// MustCompile is like Compile but panics if the code cannot be compiled.
// It simplifies safe initialization of global variables holding compiled JavaScript code.
func MustCompile(name, src string, strict bool) *Program {
prg, err := Compile(name, src, strict)
if err != nil {
return prg
// Parse takes a source string and produces a parsed AST. Use this function if you want to pass options
// to the parser, e.g.:
// p, err := Parse("test.js", "var a = true", parser.WithDisableSourceMaps)
// if err != nil { /* ... */ }
// prg, err := CompileAST(p, true)
// // ...
// Otherwise use Compile which combines both steps.
func Parse(name, src string, options ...parser.Option) (prg *js_ast.Program, err error) {
prg, err1 := parser.ParseFile(nil, name, src, 0, options...)
if err1 != nil {
// FIXME offset
err = &CompilerSyntaxError{
CompilerError: CompilerError{
Message: err1.Error(),
func compile(name, src string, strict, inGlobal bool, evalVm *vm, parserOptions ...parser.Option) (p *Program, err error) {
prg, err := Parse(name, src, parserOptions...)
if err != nil {
return compileAST(prg, strict, inGlobal, evalVm)
func compileAST(prg *js_ast.Program, strict, inGlobal bool, evalVm *vm) (p *Program, err error) {
c := newCompiler()
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
p = nil
switch x1 := x.(type) {
case *CompilerSyntaxError:
err = x1
c.compile(prg, strict, inGlobal, evalVm)
p = c.p
func (r *Runtime) compile(name, src string, strict, inGlobal bool, evalVm *vm) (p *Program, err error) {
p, err = compile(name, src, strict, inGlobal, evalVm, r.parserOptions...)
if err != nil {
switch x1 := err.(type) {
case *CompilerSyntaxError:
err = &Exception{
val: r.builtin_new(r.getSyntaxError(), []Value{newStringValue(x1.Error())}),
case *CompilerReferenceError:
err = &Exception{
val: r.newError(r.getReferenceError(), x1.Message),
} // TODO proper message
// RunString executes the given string in the global context.
func (r *Runtime) RunString(str string) (Value, error) {
return r.RunScript("", str)
// RunScript executes the given string in the global context.
func (r *Runtime) RunScript(name, src string) (Value, error) {
p, err := r.compile(name, src, false, true, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.RunProgram(p)
func isUncatchableException(e error) bool {
for ; e != nil; e = errors.Unwrap(e) {
if _, ok := e.(uncatchableException); ok {
return true
return false
func asUncatchableException(v interface{}) error {
switch v := v.(type) {
case uncatchableException:
return v
case error:
if isUncatchableException(v) {
return v
return nil
// RunProgram executes a pre-compiled (see Compile()) code in the global context.
func (r *Runtime) RunProgram(p *Program) (result Value, err error) {
vm := r.vm
recursive := len(vm.callStack) > 0
defer func() {
if recursive {
vm.sp -= 2
} else {
vm.callStack = vm.callStack[:len(vm.callStack)-1]
if x := recover(); x != nil {
if ex := asUncatchableException(x); ex != nil {
err = ex
if len(vm.callStack) == 0 {
} else {
if recursive {
vm.stash = &r.global.stash
vm.privEnv = nil
vm.newTarget = nil
vm.args = 0
sp := vm.sp
vm.stack.expand(sp + 1)
vm.stack[sp] = _undefined // 'callee'
vm.stack[sp+1] = nil // 'this'
vm.sb = sp + 1
vm.sp = sp + 2
} else {
vm.callStack = append(vm.callStack, context{})
vm.prg = p
vm.pc = 0
vm.result = _undefined
ex := vm.runTry()
if ex == nil {
result = r.vm.result
} else {
err = ex
if recursive {
} else {
vm.prg = nil
vm.sb = -1
// CaptureCallStack appends the current call stack frames to the stack slice (which may be nil) up to the specified depth.
// The most recent frame will be the first one.
// If depth <= 0 or more than the number of available frames, returns the entire stack.
// This method is not safe for concurrent use and should only be called by a Go function that is
// called from a running script.
func (r *Runtime) CaptureCallStack(depth int, stack []StackFrame) []StackFrame {
l := len(r.vm.callStack)
var offset int
if depth > 0 {
offset = l - depth + 1
if offset < 0 {
offset = 0
if stack == nil {
stack = make([]StackFrame, 0, l-offset+1)
return r.vm.captureStack(stack, offset)
// Interrupt a running JavaScript. The corresponding Go call will return an *InterruptedError containing v.
// If the interrupt propagates until the stack is empty the currently queued promise resolve/reject jobs will be cleared
// without being executed. This is the same time they would be executed otherwise.
// Note, it only works while in JavaScript code, it does not interrupt native Go functions (which includes all built-ins).
// If the runtime is currently not running, it will be immediately interrupted on the next Run*() call.
// To avoid that use ClearInterrupt()
func (r *Runtime) Interrupt(v interface{}) {
// ClearInterrupt resets the interrupt flag. Typically this needs to be called before the runtime
// is made available for re-use if there is a chance it could have been interrupted with Interrupt().
// Otherwise if Interrupt() was called when runtime was not running (e.g. if it had already finished)
// so that Interrupt() didn't actually trigger, an attempt to use the runtime will immediately cause
// an interruption. It is up to the user to ensure proper synchronisation so that ClearInterrupt() is
// only called when the runtime has finished and there is no chance of a concurrent Interrupt() call.
func (r *Runtime) ClearInterrupt() {
ToValue converts a Go value into a JavaScript value of a most appropriate type. Structural types (such as structs, maps
and slices) are wrapped so that changes are reflected on the original value which can be retrieved using Value.Export().
WARNING! These wrapped Go values do not behave in the same way as native ECMAScript values. If you plan to modify
them in ECMAScript, bear in mind the following caveats:
1. If a regular JavaScript Object is assigned as an element of a wrapped Go struct, map or array, it is
Export()'ed and therefore copied. This may result in an unexpected behaviour in JavaScript:
m := map[string]interface{}{}
vm.Set("m", m)
var obj = {test: false};
m.obj = obj; // obj gets Export()'ed, i.e. copied to a new map[string]interface{} and then this map is set as m["obj"]
obj.test = true; // note, m.obj.test is still false
fmt.Println(m["obj"].(map[string]interface{})["test"]) // prints "false"
2. Be careful with nested non-pointer compound types (structs, slices and arrays) if you modify them in
ECMAScript. Better avoid it at all if possible. One of the fundamental differences between ECMAScript and Go is in
the former all Objects are references whereas in Go you can have a literal struct or array. Consider the following
type S struct {
Field int
a := []S{{1}, {2}} // slice of literal structs
vm.Set("a", &a)
let tmp = {Field: 1};
a[0] = tmp;
a[1] = tmp;
tmp.Field = 2;
In ECMAScript one would expect a[0].Field and a[1].Field to be equal to 2, but this is really not possible
(or at least non-trivial without some complex reference tracking).
To cover the most common use cases and to avoid excessive memory allocation, the following 'copy-on-change' mechanism
is implemented (for both arrays and structs):
* When a nested compound value is accessed, the returned ES value becomes a reference to the literal value.
This ensures that things like 'a[0].Field = 1' work as expected and simple access to 'a[0].Field' does not result
in copying of a[0].
* The original container ('a' in our case) keeps track of the returned reference value and if a[0] is reassigned
(e.g. by direct assignment, deletion or shrinking the array) the old a[0] is copied and the earlier returned value
becomes a reference to the copy:
let tmp = a[0]; // no copy, tmp is a reference to a[0]
tmp.Field = 1; // a[0].Field === 1 after this
a[0] = {Field: 2}; // tmp is now a reference to a copy of the old value (with Field === 1)
a[0].Field === 2 && tmp.Field === 1; // true
* Array value swaps caused by in-place sort (using Array.prototype.sort()) do not count as re-assignments, instead
the references are adjusted to point to the new indices.
* Assignment to an inner compound value always does a copy (and sometimes type conversion):
a[1] = tmp; // a[1] is now a copy of tmp
tmp.Field = 3; // does not affect a[1].Field
3. Non-addressable structs, slices and arrays get copied. This sometimes may lead to a confusion as assigning to
inner fields does not appear to work:
a1 := []interface{}{S{1}, S{2}}
vm.Set("a1", &a1)
a1[0].Field === 1; // true
a1[0].Field = 2;
a1[0].Field === 2; // FALSE, because what it really did was copy a1[0] set its Field to 2 and immediately drop it
An alternative would be making a1[0].Field a non-writable property which would probably be more in line with
ECMAScript, however it would require to manually copy the value if it does need to be modified which may be
Note, the same applies to slices. If a slice is passed by value (not as a pointer), resizing the slice does not reflect on the original
value. Moreover, extending the slice may result in the underlying array being re-allocated and copied.
For example:
a := []interface{}{1}
vm.Set("a", a)
vm.RunString(`a.push(2); a[0] = 0;`)
fmt.Println(a[0]) // prints "1"
Notes on individual types:
# Primitive types
Primitive types (numbers, string, bool) are converted to the corresponding JavaScript primitives. These values
are goroutine-safe and can be transferred between runtimes.
# Strings
Because of the difference in internal string representation between ECMAScript (which uses UTF-16) and Go (which uses
UTF-8) conversion from JS to Go may be lossy. In particular, code points that can be part of UTF-16 surrogate pairs
(0xD800-0xDFFF) cannot be represented in UTF-8 unless they form a valid surrogate pair and are replaced with
The string value must be a valid UTF-8. If it is not, invalid characters are replaced with utf8.RuneError, but
the behaviour of a subsequent Export() is unspecified (it may return the original value, or a value with replaced
invalid characters).
# Nil
Nil is converted to null.
# Functions
func(FunctionCall) Value is treated as a native JavaScript function. This increases performance because there are no
automatic argument and return value type conversions (which involves reflect). Attempting to use
the function as a constructor will result in a TypeError. Note: implementations must not retain and use references
to FunctionCall.Arguments after the function returns.
func(FunctionCall, *Runtime) Value is treated as above, except the *Runtime is also passed as a parameter.
func(ConstructorCall) *Object is treated as a native constructor, allowing to use it with the new
func MyObject(call goja.ConstructorCall) *goja.Object {
// call.This contains the newly created object as per http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/index.html#sec-13.2.2
// call.Arguments contain arguments passed to the function
call.This.Set("method", method)
// If return value is a non-nil *Object, it will be used instead of call.This
// This way it is possible to return a Go struct or a map converted
// into goja.Value using ToValue(), however in this case
// instanceof will not work as expected, unless you set the prototype:
// instance := &myCustomStruct{}
// instanceValue := vm.ToValue(instance).(*Object)
// instanceValue.SetPrototype(call.This.Prototype())
// return instanceValue
return nil
runtime.Set("MyObject", MyObject)
Then it can be used in JS as follows:
var o = new MyObject(arg);
var o1 = MyObject(arg); // same thing
o instanceof MyObject && o1 instanceof MyObject; // true
When a native constructor is called directly (without the new operator) its behavior depends on
this value: if it's an Object, it is passed through, otherwise a new one is created exactly as
if it was called with the new operator. In either case call.NewTarget will be nil.
func(ConstructorCall, *Runtime) *Object is treated as above, except the *Runtime is also passed as a parameter.
Any other Go function is wrapped so that the arguments are automatically converted into the required Go types and the
return value is converted to a JavaScript value (using this method). If conversion is not possible, a TypeError is
Functions with multiple return values return an Array. If the last return value is an `error` it is not returned but
converted into a JS exception. If the error is *Exception, it is thrown as is, otherwise it's wrapped in a GoEerror.
Note that if there are exactly two return values and the last is an `error`, the function returns the first value as is,
not an Array.
# Structs
Structs are converted to Object-like values. Fields and methods are available as properties, their values are
results of this method (ToValue()) applied to the corresponding Go value.
Field properties are writable and non-configurable. Method properties are non-writable and non-configurable.
Attempt to define a new property or delete an existing property will fail (throw in strict mode) unless it's a Symbol
property. Symbol properties only exist in the wrapper and do not affect the underlying Go value.
Note that because a wrapper is created every time a property is accessed it may lead to unexpected results such as this:
type Field struct{
type S struct {
Field *Field
var s = S{
Field: &Field{},
vm := New()
vm.Set("s", &s)
res, err := vm.RunString(`
var sym = Symbol(66);
var field1 = s.Field;
field1[sym] = true;
var field2 = s.Field;
field1 === field2; // true, because the equality operation compares the wrapped values, not the wrappers
field1[sym] === true; // true
field2[sym] === undefined; // also true
The same applies to values from maps and slices as well.
# Handling of time.Time
time.Time does not get special treatment and therefore is converted just like any other `struct` providing access to
all its methods. This is done deliberately instead of converting it to a `Date` because these two types are not fully
compatible: `time.Time` includes zone, whereas JS `Date` doesn't. Doing the conversion implicitly therefore would
result in a loss of information.
If you need to convert it to a `Date`, it can be done either in JS:
var d = new Date(goval.UnixNano()/1e6);
... or in Go:
now := time.Now()
vm := New()
val, err := vm.New(vm.Get("Date").ToObject(vm), vm.ToValue(now.UnixNano()/1e6))
if err != nil {
vm.Set("d", val)
Note that Value.Export() for a `Date` value returns time.Time in local timezone.
# Maps
Maps with string, integer, or float key types are converted into host objects that largely behave like a JavaScript Object.
One noticeable difference is that the key order is not stable, as with maps in Go.
Keys are converted to strings following the fmt.Sprintf("%v") convention.
# Maps with methods
If a map type has at least one method defined, the properties of the resulting Object represent methods, not map keys.
This is because in JavaScript there is no distinction between 'object.key` and `object[key]`, unlike Go.
If access to the map values is required, it can be achieved by defining another method or, if it's not possible, by
defining an external getter function.
# Slices
Slices are converted into host objects that behave largely like JavaScript Array. It has the appropriate
prototype and all the usual methods should work. There is, however, a caveat: converted Arrays may not contain holes
(because Go slices cannot). This means that hasOwnProperty(n) always returns `true` if n < length. Deleting an item with
an index < length will set it to a zero value (but the property will remain). Nil slice elements are be converted to
`null`. Accessing an element beyond `length` returns `undefined`. Also see the warning above about passing slices as
values (as opposed to pointers).
# Arrays
Arrays are converted similarly to slices, except the resulting Arrays are not resizable (and therefore the 'length'
property is non-writable).
Any other type is converted to a generic reflect based host object. Depending on the underlying type it behaves similar
to a Number, String, Boolean or Object.
Note that the underlying type is not lost, calling Export() returns the original Go value. This applies to all
reflect based types.
func (r *Runtime) ToValue(i interface{}) Value {
return r.toValue(i, reflect.Value{})
func (r *Runtime) toValue(i interface{}, origValue reflect.Value) Value {
switch i := i.(type) {
case nil:
return _null
case *Object:
if i == nil || i.self == nil {
return _null
if i.runtime != nil && i.runtime != r {
panic(r.NewTypeError("Illegal runtime transition of an Object"))
return i
case valueContainer:
return i.toValue(r)
case Value:
return i
case string:
if len(i) <= 16 {
if u := unistring.Scan(i); u != nil {
return &importedString{s: i, u: u, scanned: true}
return asciiString(i)
return &importedString{s: i}
case bool:
if i {
return valueTrue
} else {
return valueFalse
case func(FunctionCall) Value:
name := unistring.NewFromString(runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name())
return r.newNativeFunc(i, name, 0)
case func(FunctionCall, *Runtime) Value:
name := unistring.NewFromString(runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name())
return r.newNativeFunc(func(call FunctionCall) Value {
return i(call, r)
}, name, 0)
case func(ConstructorCall) *Object:
name := unistring.NewFromString(runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name())
return r.newNativeConstructor(i, name, 0)
case func(ConstructorCall, *Runtime) *Object:
name := unistring.NewFromString(runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(i).Pointer()).Name())
return r.newNativeConstructor(func(call ConstructorCall) *Object {
return i(call, r)
}, name, 0)
case int:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case int8:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case int16:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case int32:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case int64:
return intToValue(i)
case uint:
if uint64(i) <= math.MaxInt64 {
return intToValue(int64(i))
} else {
return floatToValue(float64(i))
case uint8:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case uint16:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case uint32:
return intToValue(int64(i))
case uint64:
if i <= math.MaxInt64 {
return intToValue(int64(i))
return floatToValue(float64(i))
case float32:
return floatToValue(float64(i))
case float64:
return floatToValue(i)
case *big.Int:
return (*valueBigInt)(new(big.Int).Set(i))
case map[string]interface{}:
if i == nil {
return _null
obj := &Object{runtime: r}
m := &objectGoMapSimple{
baseObject: baseObject{
val: obj,
extensible: true,
data: i,
obj.self = m
return obj
case []interface{}:
return r.newObjectGoSlice(&i, false).val
case *[]interface{}:
if i == nil {
return _null
return r.newObjectGoSlice(i, true).val
if !origValue.IsValid() {
origValue = reflect.ValueOf(i)
value := origValue
for value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
value = value.Elem()
if !value.IsValid() {
return _null
switch value.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
if value.Type().NumMethod() == 0 {
switch value.Type().Key().Kind() {
case reflect.String, reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64,
reflect.Float64, reflect.Float32:
obj := &Object{runtime: r}
m := &objectGoMapReflect{
objectGoReflect: objectGoReflect{
baseObject: baseObject{
val: obj,
extensible: true,
origValue: origValue,
fieldsValue: value,
obj.self = m
return obj
case reflect.Array:
obj := &Object{runtime: r}
a := &objectGoArrayReflect{
objectGoReflect: objectGoReflect{
baseObject: baseObject{
val: obj,
origValue: origValue,
fieldsValue: value,
obj.self = a
return obj
case reflect.Slice:
obj := &Object{runtime: r}
a := &objectGoSliceReflect{
objectGoArrayReflect: objectGoArrayReflect{
objectGoReflect: objectGoReflect{
baseObject: baseObject{
val: obj,
origValue: origValue,
fieldsValue: value,
obj.self = a
return obj
case reflect.Func:
return r.newWrappedFunc(value)
obj := &Object{runtime: r}
o := &objectGoReflect{
baseObject: baseObject{
val: obj,
origValue: origValue,
fieldsValue: value,
obj.self = o
return obj
func (r *Runtime) wrapReflectFunc(value reflect.Value) func(FunctionCall) Value {
return func(call FunctionCall) Value {
typ := value.Type()
nargs := typ.NumIn()
var in []reflect.Value
if l := len(call.Arguments); l < nargs {
// fill missing arguments with zero values
n := nargs
if typ.IsVariadic() {
in = make([]reflect.Value, n)
for i := l; i < n; i++ {
in[i] = reflect.Zero(typ.In(i))
} else {
if l > nargs && !typ.IsVariadic() {
l = nargs
in = make([]reflect.Value, l)
for i, a := range call.Arguments {
var t reflect.Type
n := i
if n >= nargs-1 && typ.IsVariadic() {
if n > nargs-1 {
n = nargs - 1
t = typ.In(n).Elem()
} else if n > nargs-1 { // ignore extra arguments
} else {
t = typ.In(n)
v := reflect.New(t).Elem()
err := r.toReflectValue(a, v, &objectExportCtx{})
if err != nil {
panic(r.NewTypeError("could not convert function call parameter %d: %v", i, err))
in[i] = v
out := value.Call(in)
if len(out) == 0 {
return _undefined
if last := out[len(out)-1]; last.Type() == reflectTypeError {
if !last.IsNil() {
err := last.Interface().(error)
if _, ok := err.(*Exception); ok {
if isUncatchableException(err) {
out = out[:len(out)-1]
switch len(out) {
case 0:
return _undefined
case 1:
return r.ToValue(out[0].Interface())
s := make([]interface{}, len(out))
for i, v := range out {
s[i] = v.Interface()
return r.ToValue(s)
func (r *Runtime) toReflectValue(v Value, dst reflect.Value, ctx *objectExportCtx) error {
typ := dst.Type()
if typ == typeValue {
return nil
if typ == typeObject {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
return nil
if typ == typeCallable {
if fn, ok := AssertFunction(v); ok {
return nil
et := v.ExportType()
if et == nil || et == reflectTypeNil {
return nil
kind := typ.Kind()
for i := 0; ; i++ {
if et.AssignableTo(typ) {
ev := reflect.ValueOf(exportValue(v, ctx))
for ; i > 0; i-- {
ev = ev.Elem()
return nil
expKind := et.Kind()
if expKind == kind && et.ConvertibleTo(typ) || expKind == reflect.String && typ == typeBytes {
ev := reflect.ValueOf(exportValue(v, ctx))
for ; i > 0; i-- {
ev = ev.Elem()
return nil
if expKind == reflect.Ptr {
et = et.Elem()
} else {
if typ == typeTime {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if d, ok := obj.self.(*dateObject); ok {
return nil
if et.Kind() == reflect.String {
tme, ok := dateParse(v.String())
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("could not convert string %v to %v", v, typ)
return nil
switch kind {
case reflect.String:
return nil
case reflect.Bool:
return nil
case reflect.Int:
return nil
case reflect.Int64:
return nil
case reflect.Int32:
return nil
case reflect.Int16:
return nil
case reflect.Int8:
return nil
case reflect.Uint:
return nil
case reflect.Uint64:
return nil
case reflect.Uint32:
return nil
case reflect.Uint16:
return nil
case reflect.Uint8:
return nil
case reflect.Float64:
return nil
case reflect.Float32:
return nil
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
if o, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if v, exists := ctx.getTyped(o, typ); exists {
return nil
return o.self.exportToArrayOrSlice(dst, typ, ctx)
case reflect.Map:
if o, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if v, exists := ctx.getTyped(o, typ); exists {
return nil
return o.self.exportToMap(dst, typ, ctx)
case reflect.Struct:
if o, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
t := reflect.PtrTo(typ)
if v, exists := ctx.getTyped(o, t); exists {
return nil
s := dst
ctx.putTyped(o, t, s.Addr().Interface())
for i := 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
if ast.IsExported(field.Name) {
name := field.Name
if r.fieldNameMapper != nil {
name = r.fieldNameMapper.FieldName(typ, field)
var v Value
if field.Anonymous {
v = o
} else {
v = o.self.getStr(unistring.NewFromString(name), nil)
if v != nil {
err := r.toReflectValue(v, s.Field(i), ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not convert struct value %v to %v for field %s: %w", v, field.Type, field.Name, err)
return nil
case reflect.Func:
if fn, ok := AssertFunction(v); ok {
dst.Set(reflect.MakeFunc(typ, r.wrapJSFunc(fn, typ)))
return nil
case reflect.Ptr:
if o, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if v, exists := ctx.getTyped(o, typ); exists {
return nil
if dst.IsNil() {
return r.toReflectValue(v, dst.Elem(), ctx)
return fmt.Errorf("could not convert %v to %v", v, typ)
func (r *Runtime) wrapJSFunc(fn Callable, typ reflect.Type) func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
return func(args []reflect.Value) (results []reflect.Value) {
var jsArgs []Value
if len(args) > 0 {
if typ.IsVariadic() {
varArg := args[len(args)-1]
args = args[:len(args)-1]
jsArgs = make([]Value, 0, len(args)+varArg.Len())
for _, arg := range args {
jsArgs = append(jsArgs, r.ToValue(arg.Interface()))
for i := 0; i < varArg.Len(); i++ {
jsArgs = append(jsArgs, r.ToValue(varArg.Index(i).Interface()))
} else {
jsArgs = make([]Value, len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
jsArgs[i] = r.ToValue(arg.Interface())
numOut := typ.NumOut()
results = make([]reflect.Value, numOut)
res, err := fn(_undefined, jsArgs...)
if err == nil {
if numOut > 0 {
v := reflect.New(typ.Out(0)).Elem()
err = r.toReflectValue(res, v, &objectExportCtx{})
if err == nil {
results[0] = v
if err != nil {
if numOut > 0 && typ.Out(numOut-1) == reflectTypeError {
if ex, ok := err.(*Exception); ok {
if exo, ok := ex.val.(*Object); ok {
if v := exo.self.getStr("value", nil); v != nil {
if v.ExportType().AssignableTo(reflectTypeError) {
err = v.Export().(error)
results[numOut-1] = reflect.ValueOf(err).Convert(typ.Out(numOut - 1))
} else {
for i, v := range results {
if !v.IsValid() {
results[i] = reflect.Zero(typ.Out(i))
// ExportTo converts a JavaScript value into the specified Go value. The second parameter must be a non-nil pointer.
// Returns error if conversion is not possible.
// Notes on specific cases:
// # Empty interface
// Exporting to an interface{} results in a value of the same type as Value.Export() would produce.
// # Numeric types
// Exporting to numeric types uses the standard ECMAScript conversion operations, same as used when assigning
// values to non-clamped typed array items, e.g. https://262.ecma-international.org/#sec-toint32.
// # Functions
// Exporting to a 'func' creates a strictly typed 'gateway' into an ES function which can be called from Go.
// The arguments are converted into ES values using Runtime.ToValue(). If the func has no return values,
// the return value is ignored. If the func has exactly one return value, it is converted to the appropriate
// type using ExportTo(). If the last return value is 'error', exceptions are caught and returned as *Exception
// (instances of GoError are unwrapped, i.e. their 'value' is returned instead). In all other cases exceptions
// result in a panic. Any extra return values are zeroed.
// 'this' value will always be set to 'undefined'.
// For a more low-level mechanism see AssertFunction().
// # Map types
// An ES Map can be exported into a Go map type. If any exported key value is non-hashable, the operation panics
// (as reflect.Value.SetMapIndex() would). Symbol.iterator is ignored.
// Exporting an ES Set into a map type results in the map being populated with (element) -> (zero value) key/value
// pairs. If any value is non-hashable, the operation panics (as reflect.Value.SetMapIndex() would).
// Symbol.iterator is ignored.
// Any other Object populates the map with own enumerable non-symbol properties.
// # Slice types
// Exporting an ES Set into a slice type results in its elements being exported.
// Exporting any Object that implements the iterable protocol (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol)
// into a slice type results in the slice being populated with the results of the iteration.
// Array is treated as iterable (i.e. overwriting Symbol.iterator affects the result).
// If an object has a 'length' property and is not a function it is treated as array-like. The resulting slice
// will contain obj[0], ... obj[length-1].
// ArrayBuffer and ArrayBuffer-backed types (i.e. typed arrays and DataView) can be exported into []byte. The result
// is backed by the original data, no copy is performed.
// For any other Object an error is returned.
// # Array types
// Anything that can be exported to a slice type can also be exported to an array type, as long as the lengths
// match. If they do not, an error is returned.
// # Proxy
// Proxy objects are treated the same way as if they were accessed from ES code in regard to their properties
// (such as 'length' or [Symbol.iterator]). This means exporting them to slice types works, however
// exporting a proxied Map into a map type does not produce its contents, because the Proxy is not recognised
// as a Map. Same applies to a proxied Set.
func (r *Runtime) ExportTo(v Value, target interface{}) error {
tval := reflect.ValueOf(target)
if tval.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || tval.IsNil() {
return errors.New("target must be a non-nil pointer")
return r.toReflectValue(v, tval.Elem(), &objectExportCtx{})
// GlobalObject returns the global object.
func (r *Runtime) GlobalObject() *Object {
return r.globalObject
// Set the specified variable in the global context.
// Equivalent to running "name = value" in non-strict mode.
// The value is first converted using ToValue().
// Note, this is not the same as GlobalObject().Set(name, value),
// because if a global lexical binding (let or const) exists, it is set instead.
func (r *Runtime) Set(name string, value interface{}) error {
return r.try(func() {
name := unistring.NewFromString(name)
v := r.ToValue(value)
if ref := r.global.stash.getRefByName(name, false); ref != nil {
} else {
r.globalObject.self.setOwnStr(name, v, true)
// Get the specified variable in the global context.
// Equivalent to dereferencing a variable by name in non-strict mode. If variable is not defined returns nil.
// Note, this is not the same as GlobalObject().Get(name),
// because if a global lexical binding (let or const) exists, it is used instead.
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (r *Runtime) Get(name string) Value {
n := unistring.NewFromString(name)
if v, exists := r.global.stash.getByName(n); exists {
return v
} else {
return r.globalObject.self.getStr(n, nil)
// SetRandSource sets random source for this Runtime. If not called, the default math/rand is used.
func (r *Runtime) SetRandSource(source RandSource) {
r.rand = source
// SetTimeSource sets the current time source for this Runtime.
// If not called, the default time.Now() is used.
func (r *Runtime) SetTimeSource(now Now) {
r.now = now
// SetParserOptions sets parser options to be used by RunString, RunScript and eval() within the code.
func (r *Runtime) SetParserOptions(opts ...parser.Option) {
r.parserOptions = opts
// SetMaxCallStackSize sets the maximum function call depth. When exceeded, a *StackOverflowError is thrown and
// returned by RunProgram or by a Callable call. This is useful to prevent memory exhaustion caused by an
// infinite recursion. The default value is math.MaxInt32.
// This method (as the rest of the Set* methods) is not safe for concurrent use and may only be called
// from the vm goroutine or when the vm is not running.
func (r *Runtime) SetMaxCallStackSize(size int) {
r.vm.maxCallStackSize = size
// New is an equivalent of the 'new' operator allowing to call it directly from Go.
func (r *Runtime) New(construct Value, args ...Value) (o *Object, err error) {
err = r.try(func() {
o = r.builtin_new(r.toObject(construct), args)
// Callable represents a JavaScript function that can be called from Go.
type Callable func(this Value, args ...Value) (Value, error)
// AssertFunction checks if the Value is a function and returns a Callable.
// Note, for classes this returns a callable and a 'true', however calling it will always result in a TypeError.
// For classes use AssertConstructor().
func AssertFunction(v Value) (Callable, bool) {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if f, ok := obj.self.assertCallable(); ok {
return func(this Value, args ...Value) (ret Value, err error) {
err = obj.runtime.runWrapped(func() {
ret = f(FunctionCall{
This: this,
Arguments: args,
}, true
return nil, false
// Constructor is a type that can be used to call constructors. The first argument (newTarget) can be nil
// which sets it to the constructor function itself.
type Constructor func(newTarget *Object, args ...Value) (*Object, error)
// AssertConstructor checks if the Value is a constructor and returns a Constructor.
func AssertConstructor(v Value) (Constructor, bool) {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if ctor := obj.self.assertConstructor(); ctor != nil {
return func(newTarget *Object, args ...Value) (ret *Object, err error) {
err = obj.runtime.runWrapped(func() {
ret = ctor(args, newTarget)
}, true
return nil, false
func (r *Runtime) runWrapped(f func()) (err error) {
defer func() {
if x := recover(); x != nil {
if ex := asUncatchableException(x); ex != nil {
err = ex
if len(r.vm.callStack) == 0 {
} else {
ex := r.vm.try(f)
if ex != nil {
err = ex
if len(r.vm.callStack) == 0 {
} else {
// IsUndefined returns true if the supplied Value is undefined. Note, it checks against the real undefined, not
// against the global object's 'undefined' property.
func IsUndefined(v Value) bool {
return v == _undefined
// IsNull returns true if the supplied Value is null.
func IsNull(v Value) bool {
return v == _null
// IsNaN returns true if the supplied value is NaN.
func IsNaN(v Value) bool {
f, ok := v.(valueFloat)
return ok && math.IsNaN(float64(f))
// IsInfinity returns true if the supplied is (+/-)Infinity
func IsInfinity(v Value) bool {
return v == _positiveInf || v == _negativeInf
// Undefined returns JS undefined value. Note if global 'undefined' property is changed this still returns the original value.
func Undefined() Value {
return _undefined
// Null returns JS null value.
func Null() Value {
return _null
// NaN returns a JS NaN value.
func NaN() Value {
return _NaN
// PositiveInf returns a JS +Inf value.
func PositiveInf() Value {
return _positiveInf
// NegativeInf returns a JS -Inf value.
func NegativeInf() Value {
return _negativeInf
func tryFunc(f func()) (ret interface{}) {
defer func() {
ret = recover()
// Try runs a given function catching and returning any JS exception. Use this method to run any code
// that may throw exceptions (such as Object.Get, Object.String, Object.ToInteger, Object.Export, Runtime.Get, Runtime.InstanceOf, etc.)
// outside the Runtime execution context (i.e. when calling directly from Go, not from a JS function implemented in Go).
func (r *Runtime) Try(f func()) *Exception {
return r.vm.try(f)
func (r *Runtime) try(f func()) error {
if ex := r.vm.try(f); ex != nil {
return ex
return nil
func (r *Runtime) toObject(v Value, args ...interface{}) *Object {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
return obj
if len(args) > 0 {
} else {
var s string
if v == nil {
s = "undefined"
} else {
s = v.String()
panic(r.NewTypeError("Value is not an object: %s", s))
func (r *Runtime) speciesConstructor(o, defaultConstructor *Object) func(args []Value, newTarget *Object) *Object {
c := o.self.getStr("constructor", nil)
if c != nil && c != _undefined {
c = r.toObject(c).self.getSym(SymSpecies, nil)
if c == nil || c == _undefined || c == _null {
c = defaultConstructor
return r.toConstructor(c)
func (r *Runtime) speciesConstructorObj(o, defaultConstructor *Object) *Object {
c := o.self.getStr("constructor", nil)
if c != nil && c != _undefined {
c = r.toObject(c).self.getSym(SymSpecies, nil)
if c == nil || c == _undefined || c == _null {
return defaultConstructor
obj := r.toObject(c)
if obj.self.assertConstructor() == nil {
panic(r.NewTypeError("Value is not a constructor"))
return obj
func (r *Runtime) returnThis(call FunctionCall) Value {
return call.This
func createDataProperty(o *Object, p Value, v Value) {
o.defineOwnProperty(p, PropertyDescriptor{
Writable: FLAG_TRUE,
Enumerable: FLAG_TRUE,
Configurable: FLAG_TRUE,
Value: v,
}, false)
func createDataPropertyOrThrow(o *Object, p Value, v Value) {
o.defineOwnProperty(p, PropertyDescriptor{
Writable: FLAG_TRUE,
Enumerable: FLAG_TRUE,
Configurable: FLAG_TRUE,
Value: v,
}, true)
func toPropertyKey(key Value) Value {
return key.ToString()
func (r *Runtime) getVStr(v Value, p unistring.String) Value {
o := v.ToObject(r)
return o.self.getStr(p, v)
func (r *Runtime) getV(v Value, p Value) Value {
o := v.ToObject(r)
return o.get(p, v)
type iteratorRecord struct {
iterator *Object
next func(FunctionCall) Value
func (r *Runtime) getIterator(obj Value, method func(FunctionCall) Value) *iteratorRecord {
if method == nil {
method = toMethod(r.getV(obj, SymIterator))
if method == nil {
panic(r.NewTypeError("object is not iterable"))
iter := r.toObject(method(FunctionCall{
This: obj,
var next func(FunctionCall) Value
if obj, ok := iter.self.getStr("next", nil).(*Object); ok {
if call, ok := obj.self.assertCallable(); ok {
next = call
return &iteratorRecord{
iterator: iter,
next: next,
func iteratorComplete(iterResult *Object) bool {
return nilSafe(iterResult.self.getStr("done", nil)).ToBoolean()
func iteratorValue(iterResult *Object) Value {
return nilSafe(iterResult.self.getStr("value", nil))
func (ir *iteratorRecord) iterate(step func(Value)) {
r := ir.iterator.runtime
for {
if ir.next == nil {
panic(r.NewTypeError("iterator.next is missing or not a function"))
res := r.toObject(ir.next(FunctionCall{This: ir.iterator}))
if iteratorComplete(res) {
value := iteratorValue(res)
ret := tryFunc(func() {
if ret != nil {
_ = tryFunc(func() {
func (ir *iteratorRecord) step() (value Value, ex *Exception) {
r := ir.iterator.runtime
ex = r.vm.try(func() {
res := r.toObject(ir.next(FunctionCall{This: ir.iterator}))
done := iteratorComplete(res)
if !done {
value = iteratorValue(res)
} else {
func (ir *iteratorRecord) returnIter() {
if ir.iterator == nil {
retMethod := toMethod(ir.iterator.self.getStr("return", nil))
if retMethod != nil {
ir.iterator.runtime.toObject(retMethod(FunctionCall{This: ir.iterator}))
ir.iterator = nil
ir.next = nil
func (ir *iteratorRecord) close() {
ir.iterator = nil
ir.next = nil
// ForOf is a Go equivalent of for-of loop. The function panics if an exception is thrown at any point
// while iterating, including if the supplied value is not iterable
// (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Iteration_protocols#the_iterable_protocol).
// When using outside of Runtime.Run (i.e. when calling directly from Go code, not from a JS function implemented
// in Go) it must be enclosed in Try. See the example.
func (r *Runtime) ForOf(iterable Value, step func(curValue Value) (continueIteration bool)) {
iter := r.getIterator(iterable, nil)
for {
value, ex := iter.step()
if ex != nil {
if value != nil {
var continueIteration bool
ex := r.vm.try(func() {
continueIteration = step(value)
if ex != nil {
if !continueIteration {
} else {
func (r *Runtime) createIterResultObject(value Value, done bool) Value {
o := r.NewObject()
o.self.setOwnStr("value", value, false)
o.self.setOwnStr("done", r.toBoolean(done), false)
return o
func (r *Runtime) getHash() *maphash.Hash {
if r.hash == nil {
r.hash = &maphash.Hash{}
return r.hash
// called when the top level function returns normally (i.e. control is passed outside the Runtime).
func (r *Runtime) leave() {
var jobs []func()
for len(r.jobQueue) > 0 {
jobs, r.jobQueue = r.jobQueue, jobs[:0]
for _, job := range jobs {
r.jobQueue = nil
r.vm.stack = nil
// called when the top level function returns (i.e. control is passed outside the Runtime) but it was due to an interrupt
func (r *Runtime) leaveAbrupt() {
r.jobQueue = nil
func nilSafe(v Value) Value {
if v != nil {
return v
return _undefined
func isArray(object *Object) bool {
self := object.self
if proxy, ok := self.(*proxyObject); ok {
if proxy.target == nil {
panic(typeError("Cannot perform 'IsArray' on a proxy that has been revoked"))
return isArray(proxy.target)
switch self.className() {
case classArray:
return true
return false
func isRegexp(v Value) bool {
if o, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
matcher := o.self.getSym(SymMatch, nil)
if matcher != nil && matcher != _undefined {
return matcher.ToBoolean()
_, reg := o.self.(*regexpObject)
return reg
return false
func limitCallArgs(call FunctionCall, n int) FunctionCall {
if len(call.Arguments) > n {
return FunctionCall{This: call.This, Arguments: call.Arguments[:n]}
} else {
return call
func shrinkCap(newSize, oldCap int) int {
if oldCap > 8 {
if cap := oldCap / 2; cap >= newSize {
return cap
return oldCap
func growCap(newSize, oldSize, oldCap int) int {
// Use the same algorithm as in runtime.growSlice
doublecap := oldCap + oldCap
if newSize > doublecap {
return newSize
} else {
if oldSize < 1024 {
return doublecap
} else {
cap := oldCap
// Check 0 < cap to detect overflow
// and prevent an infinite loop.
for 0 < cap && cap < newSize {
cap += cap / 4
// Return the requested cap when
// the calculation overflowed.
if cap <= 0 {
return newSize
return cap
func (r *Runtime) genId() (ret uint64) {
if r.hash == nil {
h := r.getHash()
r.idSeq = h.Sum64()
if r.idSeq == 0 {
r.idSeq = 1
ret = r.idSeq
func (r *Runtime) setGlobal(name unistring.String, v Value, strict bool) {
if ref := r.global.stash.getRefByName(name, strict); ref != nil {
} else {
o := r.globalObject.self
if strict {
if o.hasOwnPropertyStr(name) {
o.setOwnStr(name, v, true)
} else {
} else {
o.setOwnStr(name, v, false)
func (r *Runtime) trackPromiseRejection(p *Promise, operation PromiseRejectionOperation) {
if r.promiseRejectionTracker != nil {
r.promiseRejectionTracker(p, operation)
func (r *Runtime) callJobCallback(job *jobCallback, this Value, args ...Value) Value {
return job.callback(FunctionCall{This: this, Arguments: args})
func (r *Runtime) invoke(v Value, p unistring.String, args ...Value) Value {
o := v.ToObject(r)
return r.toCallable(o.self.getStr(p, nil))(FunctionCall{This: v, Arguments: args})
func (r *Runtime) iterableToList(iterable Value, method func(FunctionCall) Value) []Value {
iter := r.getIterator(iterable, method)
var values []Value
iter.iterate(func(item Value) {
values = append(values, item)
return values
func (r *Runtime) putSpeciesReturnThis(o objectImpl) {
o._putSym(SymSpecies, &valueProperty{
getterFunc: r.newNativeFunc(r.returnThis, "get [Symbol.species]", 0),
accessor: true,
configurable: true,
func strToArrayIdx(s unistring.String) uint32 {
if s == "" {
return math.MaxUint32
l := len(s)
if s[0] == '0' {
if l == 1 {
return 0
return math.MaxUint32
var n uint32
if l < 10 {
// guaranteed not to overflow
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c < '0' || c > '9' {
return math.MaxUint32
n = n*10 + uint32(c-'0')
return n
if l > 10 {
// guaranteed to overflow
return math.MaxUint32
c9 := s[9]
if c9 < '0' || c9 > '9' {
return math.MaxUint32
for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
c := s[i]
if c < '0' || c > '9' {
return math.MaxUint32
n = n*10 + uint32(c-'0')
if n >= math.MaxUint32/10+1 {
return math.MaxUint32
n *= 10
n1 := n + uint32(c9-'0')
if n1 < n {
return math.MaxUint32
return n1
func strToInt32(s unistring.String) (int32, bool) {
if s == "" {
return -1, false
neg := s[0] == '-'
if neg {
s = s[1:]
l := len(s)
if s[0] == '0' {
if l == 1 {
return 0, !neg
return -1, false
var n uint32
if l < 10 {
// guaranteed not to overflow
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c < '0' || c > '9' {
return -1, false
n = n*10 + uint32(c-'0')
} else if l > 10 {
// guaranteed to overflow
return -1, false
} else {
c9 := s[9]
if c9 >= '0' {
if !neg && c9 > '7' || c9 > '8' {
// guaranteed to overflow
return -1, false
for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
c := s[i]
if c < '0' || c > '9' {
return -1, false
n = n*10 + uint32(c-'0')
if n >= math.MaxInt32/10+1 {
// valid number, but it overflows integer
return 0, false
n = n*10 + uint32(c9-'0')
} else {
return -1, false
if neg {
return int32(-n), true
return int32(n), true
func strToInt64(s unistring.String) (int64, bool) {
if s == "" {
return -1, false
neg := s[0] == '-'
if neg {
s = s[1:]
l := len(s)
if s[0] == '0' {
if l == 1 {
return 0, !neg
return -1, false
var n uint64
if l < 19 {
// guaranteed not to overflow
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
c := s[i]
if c < '0' || c > '9' {
return -1, false
n = n*10 + uint64(c-'0')
} else if l > 19 {
// guaranteed to overflow
return -1, false
} else {
c18 := s[18]
if c18 >= '0' {
if !neg && c18 > '7' || c18 > '8' {
// guaranteed to overflow
return -1, false
for i := 0; i < 18; i++ {
c := s[i]
if c < '0' || c > '9' {
return -1, false
n = n*10 + uint64(c-'0')
if n >= math.MaxInt64/10+1 {
// valid number, but it overflows integer
return 0, false
n = n*10 + uint64(c18-'0')
} else {
return -1, false
if neg {
return int64(-n), true
return int64(n), true
func strToInt(s unistring.String) (int, bool) {
if bits.UintSize == 32 {
n, ok := strToInt32(s)
return int(n), ok
n, ok := strToInt64(s)
return int(n), ok
// Attempts to convert a string into a canonical integer.
// On success returns (number, true).
// If it was a canonical number, but not an integer returns (0, false). This includes -0 and overflows.
// In all other cases returns (-1, false).
// See https://262.ecma-international.org/#sec-canonicalnumericindexstring
func strToIntNum(s unistring.String) (int, bool) {
n, ok := strToInt64(s)
if n == 0 {
return 0, ok
if ok && n >= -maxInt && n <= maxInt {
if bits.UintSize == 32 {
if n > math.MaxInt32 || n < math.MinInt32 {
return 0, false
return int(n), true
str := stringValueFromRaw(s)
if str.ToNumber().toString().SameAs(str) {
return 0, false
return -1, false
func strToGoIdx(s unistring.String) int {
if n, ok := strToInt(s); ok {
return n
return -1
func strToIdx64(s unistring.String) int64 {
if n, ok := strToInt64(s); ok {
return n
return -1
func assertCallable(v Value) (func(FunctionCall) Value, bool) {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
return obj.self.assertCallable()
return nil, false
// InstanceOf is an equivalent of "left instanceof right".
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (r *Runtime) InstanceOf(left Value, right *Object) (res bool) {
return instanceOfOperator(left, right)
func (r *Runtime) methodProp(f func(FunctionCall) Value, name unistring.String, nArgs int) Value {
return valueProp(r.newNativeFunc(f, name, nArgs), true, false, true)
func (r *Runtime) getPrototypeFromCtor(newTarget, defCtor, defProto *Object) *Object {
if newTarget == defCtor {
return defProto
proto := newTarget.self.getStr("prototype", nil)
if obj, ok := proto.(*Object); ok {
return obj
return defProto