2024-10-02 00:07:02 +08:00

1197 lines
26 KiB

package goja
import (
var (
// Not goroutine-safe, do not use for anything other than package level init
pkgHasher maphash.Hash
hashFalse = randomHash()
hashTrue = randomHash()
hashNull = randomHash()
hashUndef = randomHash()
// Not goroutine-safe, do not use for anything other than package level init
func randomHash() uint64 {
return pkgHasher.Sum64()
var (
valueFalse Value = valueBool(false)
valueTrue Value = valueBool(true)
_null Value = valueNull{}
_NaN Value = valueFloat(math.NaN())
_positiveInf Value = valueFloat(math.Inf(+1))
_negativeInf Value = valueFloat(math.Inf(-1))
_positiveZero Value = valueInt(0)
negativeZero = math.Float64frombits(0 | (1 << 63))
_negativeZero Value = valueFloat(negativeZero)
_epsilon = valueFloat(2.2204460492503130808472633361816e-16)
_undefined Value = valueUndefined{}
var (
reflectTypeInt = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
reflectTypeBool = reflect.TypeOf(false)
reflectTypeNil = reflect.TypeOf(nil)
reflectTypeFloat = reflect.TypeOf(float64(0))
reflectTypeMap = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}{})
reflectTypeArray = reflect.TypeOf([]interface{}{})
reflectTypeArrayPtr = reflect.TypeOf((*[]interface{})(nil))
reflectTypeString = reflect.TypeOf("")
reflectTypeFunc = reflect.TypeOf((func(FunctionCall) Value)(nil))
reflectTypeError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
var intCache [256]Value
// Value represents an ECMAScript value.
// Export returns a "plain" Go value which type depends on the type of the Value.
// For integer numbers it's int64.
// For any other numbers (including Infinities, NaN and negative zero) it's float64.
// For string it's a string. Note that unicode strings are converted into UTF-8 with invalid code points replaced with utf8.RuneError.
// For boolean it's bool.
// For null and undefined it's nil.
// For Object it depends on the Object type, see Object.Export() for more details.
type Value interface {
ToInteger() int64
toString() String
string() unistring.String
ToString() Value
String() string
ToFloat() float64
ToNumber() Value
ToBoolean() bool
ToObject(*Runtime) *Object
SameAs(Value) bool
Equals(Value) bool
StrictEquals(Value) bool
Export() interface{}
ExportType() reflect.Type
baseObject(r *Runtime) *Object
hash(hasher *maphash.Hash) uint64
type valueContainer interface {
toValue(*Runtime) Value
type typeError string
type rangeError string
type referenceError string
type syntaxError string
type valueInt int64
type valueFloat float64
type valueBool bool
type valueNull struct{}
type valueUndefined struct {
// *Symbol is a Value containing ECMAScript Symbol primitive. Symbols must only be created
// using NewSymbol(). Zero values and copying of values (i.e. *s1 = *s2) are not permitted.
// Well-known Symbols can be accessed using Sym* package variables (SymIterator, etc...)
// Symbols can be shared by multiple Runtimes.
type Symbol struct {
h uintptr
desc String
type valueUnresolved struct {
r *Runtime
ref unistring.String
type memberUnresolved struct {
type valueProperty struct {
value Value
writable bool
configurable bool
enumerable bool
accessor bool
getterFunc *Object
setterFunc *Object
var (
errAccessBeforeInit = referenceError("Cannot access a variable before initialization")
errAssignToConst = typeError("Assignment to constant variable.")
errMixBigIntType = typeError("Cannot mix BigInt and other types, use explicit conversions")
func propGetter(o Value, v Value, r *Runtime) *Object {
if v == _undefined {
return nil
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if _, ok := obj.self.assertCallable(); ok {
return obj
r.typeErrorResult(true, "Getter must be a function: %s", v.toString())
return nil
func propSetter(o Value, v Value, r *Runtime) *Object {
if v == _undefined {
return nil
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
if _, ok := obj.self.assertCallable(); ok {
return obj
r.typeErrorResult(true, "Setter must be a function: %s", v.toString())
return nil
func fToStr(num float64, mode ftoa.FToStrMode, prec int) string {
var buf1 [128]byte
return string(ftoa.FToStr(num, mode, prec, buf1[:0]))
func (i valueInt) ToInteger() int64 {
return int64(i)
func (i valueInt) toString() String {
return asciiString(i.String())
func (i valueInt) string() unistring.String {
return unistring.String(i.String())
func (i valueInt) ToString() Value {
return i
func (i valueInt) String() string {
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)
func (i valueInt) ToFloat() float64 {
return float64(i)
func (i valueInt) ToBoolean() bool {
return i != 0
func (i valueInt) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.newPrimitiveObject(i, r.getNumberPrototype(), classNumber)
func (i valueInt) ToNumber() Value {
return i
func (i valueInt) SameAs(other Value) bool {
return i == other
func (i valueInt) Equals(other Value) bool {
switch o := other.(type) {
case valueInt:
return i == o
case *valueBigInt:
return (*big.Int)(o).Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(i))) == 0
case valueFloat:
return float64(i) == float64(o)
case String:
return o.ToNumber().Equals(i)
case valueBool:
return int64(i) == o.ToInteger()
case *Object:
return i.Equals(o.toPrimitive())
return false
func (i valueInt) StrictEquals(other Value) bool {
switch o := other.(type) {
case valueInt:
return i == o
case valueFloat:
return float64(i) == float64(o)
return false
func (i valueInt) baseObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.getNumberPrototype()
func (i valueInt) Export() interface{} {
return int64(i)
func (i valueInt) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return reflectTypeInt
func (i valueInt) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
return uint64(i)
func (b valueBool) ToInteger() int64 {
if b {
return 1
return 0
func (b valueBool) toString() String {
if b {
return stringTrue
return stringFalse
func (b valueBool) ToString() Value {
return b
func (b valueBool) String() string {
if b {
return "true"
return "false"
func (b valueBool) string() unistring.String {
return unistring.String(b.String())
func (b valueBool) ToFloat() float64 {
if b {
return 1.0
return 0
func (b valueBool) ToBoolean() bool {
return bool(b)
func (b valueBool) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.newPrimitiveObject(b, r.getBooleanPrototype(), "Boolean")
func (b valueBool) ToNumber() Value {
if b {
return valueInt(1)
return valueInt(0)
func (b valueBool) SameAs(other Value) bool {
if other, ok := other.(valueBool); ok {
return b == other
return false
func (b valueBool) Equals(other Value) bool {
if o, ok := other.(valueBool); ok {
return b == o
if b {
return other.Equals(intToValue(1))
} else {
return other.Equals(intToValue(0))
func (b valueBool) StrictEquals(other Value) bool {
if other, ok := other.(valueBool); ok {
return b == other
return false
func (b valueBool) baseObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.getBooleanPrototype()
func (b valueBool) Export() interface{} {
return bool(b)
func (b valueBool) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return reflectTypeBool
func (b valueBool) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
if b {
return hashTrue
return hashFalse
func (n valueNull) ToInteger() int64 {
return 0
func (n valueNull) toString() String {
return stringNull
func (n valueNull) string() unistring.String {
return stringNull.string()
func (n valueNull) ToString() Value {
return n
func (n valueNull) String() string {
return "null"
func (u valueUndefined) toString() String {
return stringUndefined
func (u valueUndefined) ToString() Value {
return u
func (u valueUndefined) String() string {
return "undefined"
func (u valueUndefined) string() unistring.String {
return "undefined"
func (u valueUndefined) ToNumber() Value {
return _NaN
func (u valueUndefined) SameAs(other Value) bool {
_, same := other.(valueUndefined)
return same
func (u valueUndefined) StrictEquals(other Value) bool {
_, same := other.(valueUndefined)
return same
func (u valueUndefined) ToFloat() float64 {
return math.NaN()
func (u valueUndefined) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
return hashUndef
func (n valueNull) ToFloat() float64 {
return 0
func (n valueNull) ToBoolean() bool {
return false
func (n valueNull) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
r.typeErrorResult(true, "Cannot convert undefined or null to object")
return nil
//return r.newObject()
func (n valueNull) ToNumber() Value {
return intToValue(0)
func (n valueNull) SameAs(other Value) bool {
_, same := other.(valueNull)
return same
func (n valueNull) Equals(other Value) bool {
switch other.(type) {
case valueUndefined, valueNull:
return true
return false
func (n valueNull) StrictEquals(other Value) bool {
_, same := other.(valueNull)
return same
func (n valueNull) baseObject(*Runtime) *Object {
return nil
func (n valueNull) Export() interface{} {
return nil
func (n valueNull) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return reflectTypeNil
func (n valueNull) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
return hashNull
func (p *valueProperty) ToInteger() int64 {
return 0
func (p *valueProperty) toString() String {
return stringEmpty
func (p *valueProperty) string() unistring.String {
return ""
func (p *valueProperty) ToString() Value {
return _undefined
func (p *valueProperty) String() string {
return ""
func (p *valueProperty) ToFloat() float64 {
return math.NaN()
func (p *valueProperty) ToBoolean() bool {
return false
func (p *valueProperty) ToObject(*Runtime) *Object {
return nil
func (p *valueProperty) ToNumber() Value {
return nil
func (p *valueProperty) isWritable() bool {
return p.writable || p.setterFunc != nil
func (p *valueProperty) get(this Value) Value {
if p.getterFunc == nil {
if p.value != nil {
return p.value
return _undefined
call, _ := p.getterFunc.self.assertCallable()
return call(FunctionCall{
This: this,
func (p *valueProperty) set(this, v Value) {
if p.setterFunc == nil {
p.value = v
call, _ := p.setterFunc.self.assertCallable()
This: this,
Arguments: []Value{v},
func (p *valueProperty) SameAs(other Value) bool {
if otherProp, ok := other.(*valueProperty); ok {
return p == otherProp
return false
func (p *valueProperty) Equals(Value) bool {
return false
func (p *valueProperty) StrictEquals(Value) bool {
return false
func (p *valueProperty) baseObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
r.typeErrorResult(true, "BUG: baseObject() is called on valueProperty") // TODO error message
return nil
func (p *valueProperty) Export() interface{} {
panic("Cannot export valueProperty")
func (p *valueProperty) ExportType() reflect.Type {
panic("Cannot export valueProperty")
func (p *valueProperty) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
panic("valueProperty should never be used in maps or sets")
func floatToIntClip(n float64) int64 {
switch {
case math.IsNaN(n):
return 0
case n >= math.MaxInt64:
return math.MaxInt64
case n <= math.MinInt64:
return math.MinInt64
return int64(n)
func (f valueFloat) ToInteger() int64 {
return floatToIntClip(float64(f))
func (f valueFloat) toString() String {
return asciiString(f.String())
func (f valueFloat) string() unistring.String {
return unistring.String(f.String())
func (f valueFloat) ToString() Value {
return f
func (f valueFloat) String() string {
return fToStr(float64(f), ftoa.ModeStandard, 0)
func (f valueFloat) ToFloat() float64 {
return float64(f)
func (f valueFloat) ToBoolean() bool {
return float64(f) != 0.0 && !math.IsNaN(float64(f))
func (f valueFloat) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.newPrimitiveObject(f, r.getNumberPrototype(), "Number")
func (f valueFloat) ToNumber() Value {
return f
func (f valueFloat) SameAs(other Value) bool {
switch o := other.(type) {
case valueFloat:
this := float64(f)
o1 := float64(o)
if math.IsNaN(this) && math.IsNaN(o1) {
return true
} else {
ret := this == o1
if ret && this == 0 {
ret = math.Signbit(this) == math.Signbit(o1)
return ret
case valueInt:
this := float64(f)
ret := this == float64(o)
if ret && this == 0 {
ret = !math.Signbit(this)
return ret
return false
func (f valueFloat) Equals(other Value) bool {
switch o := other.(type) {
case valueFloat:
return f == o
case valueInt:
return float64(f) == float64(o)
case *valueBigInt:
if IsInfinity(f) || math.IsNaN(float64(f)) {
return false
if f := big.NewFloat(float64(f)); f.IsInt() {
i, _ := f.Int(nil)
return (*big.Int)(o).Cmp(i) == 0
return false
case String, valueBool:
return float64(f) == o.ToFloat()
case *Object:
return f.Equals(o.toPrimitive())
return false
func (f valueFloat) StrictEquals(other Value) bool {
switch o := other.(type) {
case valueFloat:
return f == o
case valueInt:
return float64(f) == float64(o)
return false
func (f valueFloat) baseObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.getNumberPrototype()
func (f valueFloat) Export() interface{} {
return float64(f)
func (f valueFloat) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return reflectTypeFloat
func (f valueFloat) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
if f == _negativeZero {
return 0
return math.Float64bits(float64(f))
func (o *Object) ToInteger() int64 {
return o.toPrimitiveNumber().ToNumber().ToInteger()
func (o *Object) toString() String {
return o.toPrimitiveString().toString()
func (o *Object) string() unistring.String {
return o.toPrimitiveString().string()
func (o *Object) ToString() Value {
return o.toPrimitiveString().ToString()
func (o *Object) String() string {
return o.toPrimitiveString().String()
func (o *Object) ToFloat() float64 {
return o.toPrimitiveNumber().ToFloat()
func (o *Object) ToBoolean() bool {
return true
func (o *Object) ToObject(*Runtime) *Object {
return o
func (o *Object) ToNumber() Value {
return o.toPrimitiveNumber().ToNumber()
func (o *Object) SameAs(other Value) bool {
return o.StrictEquals(other)
func (o *Object) Equals(other Value) bool {
if other, ok := other.(*Object); ok {
return o == other || o.self.equal(other.self)
switch o1 := other.(type) {
case valueInt, valueFloat, *valueBigInt, String, *Symbol:
return o.toPrimitive().Equals(other)
case valueBool:
return o.Equals(o1.ToNumber())
return false
func (o *Object) StrictEquals(other Value) bool {
if other, ok := other.(*Object); ok {
return o == other || o != nil && other != nil && o.self.equal(other.self)
return false
func (o *Object) baseObject(*Runtime) *Object {
return o
// Export the Object to a plain Go type.
// If the Object is a wrapped Go value (created using ToValue()) returns the original value.
// If the Object is a function, returns func(FunctionCall) Value. Note that exceptions thrown inside the function
// result in panics, which can also leave the Runtime in an unusable state. Therefore, these values should only
// be used inside another ES function implemented in Go. For calling a function from Go, use AssertFunction() or
// Runtime.ExportTo() as described in the README.
// For a Map, returns the list of entries as [][2]interface{}.
// For a Set, returns the list of elements as []interface{}.
// For a Proxy, returns Proxy.
// For a Promise, returns Promise.
// For a DynamicObject or a DynamicArray, returns the underlying handler.
// For typed arrays it returns a slice of the corresponding type backed by the original data (i.e. it does not copy).
// For an untyped array, returns its items exported into a newly created []interface{}.
// In all other cases returns own enumerable non-symbol properties as map[string]interface{}.
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (o *Object) Export() interface{} {
return o.self.export(&objectExportCtx{})
// ExportType returns the type of the value that is returned by Export().
func (o *Object) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return o.self.exportType()
func (o *Object) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
return o.getId()
// Get an object's property by name.
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (o *Object) Get(name string) Value {
return o.self.getStr(unistring.NewFromString(name), nil)
// GetSymbol returns the value of a symbol property. Use one of the Sym* values for well-known
// symbols (such as SymIterator, SymToStringTag, etc...).
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (o *Object) GetSymbol(sym *Symbol) Value {
return o.self.getSym(sym, nil)
// Keys returns a list of Object's enumerable keys.
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (o *Object) Keys() (keys []string) {
iter := &enumerableIter{
o: o,
wrapped: o.self.iterateStringKeys(),
for item, next := iter.next(); next != nil; item, next = next() {
keys = append(keys, item.name.String())
// GetOwnPropertyNames returns a list of all own string properties of the Object, similar to Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (o *Object) GetOwnPropertyNames() (keys []string) {
for item, next := o.self.iterateStringKeys()(); next != nil; item, next = next() {
keys = append(keys, item.name.String())
// Symbols returns a list of Object's enumerable symbol properties.
// This method will panic with an *Exception if a JavaScript exception is thrown in the process. Use Runtime.Try to catch these.
func (o *Object) Symbols() []*Symbol {
symbols := o.self.symbols(false, nil)
ret := make([]*Symbol, len(symbols))
for i, sym := range symbols {
ret[i], _ = sym.(*Symbol)
return ret
// DefineDataProperty is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {value: value, writable: writable,
// configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})
func (o *Object) DefineDataProperty(name string, value Value, writable, configurable, enumerable Flag) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.defineOwnPropertyStr(unistring.NewFromString(name), PropertyDescriptor{
Value: value,
Writable: writable,
Configurable: configurable,
Enumerable: enumerable,
}, true)
// DefineAccessorProperty is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {get: getter, set: setter,
// configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})
func (o *Object) DefineAccessorProperty(name string, getter, setter Value, configurable, enumerable Flag) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.defineOwnPropertyStr(unistring.NewFromString(name), PropertyDescriptor{
Getter: getter,
Setter: setter,
Configurable: configurable,
Enumerable: enumerable,
}, true)
// DefineDataPropertySymbol is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {value: value, writable: writable,
// configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})
func (o *Object) DefineDataPropertySymbol(name *Symbol, value Value, writable, configurable, enumerable Flag) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.defineOwnPropertySym(name, PropertyDescriptor{
Value: value,
Writable: writable,
Configurable: configurable,
Enumerable: enumerable,
}, true)
// DefineAccessorPropertySymbol is a Go equivalent of Object.defineProperty(o, name, {get: getter, set: setter,
// configurable: configurable, enumerable: enumerable})
func (o *Object) DefineAccessorPropertySymbol(name *Symbol, getter, setter Value, configurable, enumerable Flag) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.defineOwnPropertySym(name, PropertyDescriptor{
Getter: getter,
Setter: setter,
Configurable: configurable,
Enumerable: enumerable,
}, true)
func (o *Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.setOwnStr(unistring.NewFromString(name), o.runtime.ToValue(value), true)
func (o *Object) SetSymbol(name *Symbol, value interface{}) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.setOwnSym(name, o.runtime.ToValue(value), true)
func (o *Object) Delete(name string) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.deleteStr(unistring.NewFromString(name), true)
func (o *Object) DeleteSymbol(name *Symbol) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.deleteSym(name, true)
// Prototype returns the Object's prototype, same as Object.getPrototypeOf(). If the prototype is null
// returns nil.
func (o *Object) Prototype() *Object {
return o.self.proto()
// SetPrototype sets the Object's prototype, same as Object.setPrototypeOf(). Setting proto to nil
// is an equivalent of Object.setPrototypeOf(null).
func (o *Object) SetPrototype(proto *Object) error {
return o.runtime.try(func() {
o.self.setProto(proto, true)
// MarshalJSON returns JSON representation of the Object. It is equivalent to JSON.stringify(o).
// Note, this implements json.Marshaler so that json.Marshal() can be used without the need to Export().
func (o *Object) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
ctx := _builtinJSON_stringifyContext{
r: o.runtime,
ex := o.runtime.vm.try(func() {
if !ctx.do(o) {
if ex != nil {
return nil, ex
return ctx.buf.Bytes(), nil
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface. It is added to compliment MarshalJSON, because
// some alternative JSON encoders refuse to use MarshalJSON unless UnmarshalJSON is also present.
// It is a no-op and always returns nil.
func (o *Object) UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error {
return nil
// ClassName returns the class name
func (o *Object) ClassName() string {
return o.self.className()
func (o valueUnresolved) throw() {
func (o valueUnresolved) ToInteger() int64 {
return 0
func (o valueUnresolved) toString() String {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) string() unistring.String {
return ""
func (o valueUnresolved) ToString() Value {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) String() string {
return ""
func (o valueUnresolved) ToFloat() float64 {
return 0
func (o valueUnresolved) ToBoolean() bool {
return false
func (o valueUnresolved) ToObject(*Runtime) *Object {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) ToNumber() Value {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) SameAs(Value) bool {
return false
func (o valueUnresolved) Equals(Value) bool {
return false
func (o valueUnresolved) StrictEquals(Value) bool {
return false
func (o valueUnresolved) baseObject(*Runtime) *Object {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) Export() interface{} {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return nil
func (o valueUnresolved) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
return 0
func (s *Symbol) ToInteger() int64 {
panic(typeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number"))
func (s *Symbol) toString() String {
panic(typeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string"))
func (s *Symbol) ToString() Value {
return s
func (s *Symbol) String() string {
if s.desc != nil {
return s.desc.String()
return ""
func (s *Symbol) string() unistring.String {
if s.desc != nil {
return s.desc.string()
return ""
func (s *Symbol) ToFloat() float64 {
panic(typeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number"))
func (s *Symbol) ToNumber() Value {
panic(typeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number"))
func (s *Symbol) ToBoolean() bool {
return true
func (s *Symbol) ToObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return s.baseObject(r)
func (s *Symbol) SameAs(other Value) bool {
if s1, ok := other.(*Symbol); ok {
return s == s1
return false
func (s *Symbol) Equals(o Value) bool {
switch o := o.(type) {
case *Object:
return s.Equals(o.toPrimitive())
return s.SameAs(o)
func (s *Symbol) StrictEquals(o Value) bool {
return s.SameAs(o)
func (s *Symbol) Export() interface{} {
return s.String()
func (s *Symbol) ExportType() reflect.Type {
return reflectTypeString
func (s *Symbol) baseObject(r *Runtime) *Object {
return r.newPrimitiveObject(s, r.getSymbolPrototype(), classObject)
func (s *Symbol) hash(*maphash.Hash) uint64 {
return uint64(s.h)
func exportValue(v Value, ctx *objectExportCtx) interface{} {
if obj, ok := v.(*Object); ok {
return obj.self.export(ctx)
return v.Export()
func newSymbol(s String) *Symbol {
r := &Symbol{
desc: s,
// This may need to be reconsidered in the future.
// Depending on changes in Go's allocation policy and/or introduction of a compacting GC
// this may no longer provide sufficient dispersion. The alternative, however, is a globally
// synchronised random generator/hasher/sequencer and I don't want to go down that route just yet.
r.h = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r))
return r
func NewSymbol(s string) *Symbol {
return newSymbol(newStringValue(s))
func (s *Symbol) descriptiveString() String {
desc := s.desc
if desc == nil {
desc = stringEmpty
return asciiString("Symbol(").Concat(desc).Concat(asciiString(")"))
func funcName(prefix string, n Value) String {
var b StringBuilder
if sym, ok := n.(*Symbol); ok {
if sym.desc != nil {
} else {
return b.String()
func newTypeError(args ...interface{}) typeError {
msg := ""
if len(args) > 0 {
f, _ := args[0].(string)
msg = fmt.Sprintf(f, args[1:]...)
return typeError(msg)
func typeErrorResult(throw bool, args ...interface{}) {
if throw {
func init() {
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
intCache[i] = valueInt(i - 256)