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package gojs
import (
type Map = map[string]any
type Module struct {
Object Map
ObjectMaker func(vm *goja.Runtime) Map
TsCode string
Desc string
Example string
var modules = map[string]Module{}
var modulesLock = sync.RWMutex{}
func Register(name string, mod Module) {
modules[name] = mod
func RunFile(file string, args ...any) (any, error) {
return Run(u.ReadFileN(file), file, args...)
func Run(code string, refFile string, args ...any) (any, error) {
rt := New()
var r any
err := rt.StartFromCode(code, refFile)
if err == nil {
r, err = rt.RunMain(args...)
return r, err
var importModMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`(?im)^\s*import\s+(.+?)\s+from\s+['"](.+?)['"]`)
var requireModMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`(?im)^\s*(const|let|var)\s+(.+?)\s*=\s*require\s*\(\s*['"](.+?)['"]\s*\)`)
// var importLibMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`(?im)^\s*(import)\s+(.+?)\s+from\s+['"][./\\\w:]+lib[/\\](.+?)(\.ts)?['"]`)
// var requireLibMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`(?im)^\s*(const|let|var)\s+(.+?)\s*=\s*require\s*\(\s*['"][./\\\w:]+lib[/\\](.+?)(\.ts)?['"]\s*\)`)
var checkMainMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`(?im)^\s*function\s+main\s*\(`)
type Runtime struct {
VM *goja.Runtime
required map[string]bool
file string
srcCode string
code string
moduleLoader func(string) string
started bool
func (rt *Runtime) SetModuleLoader(fn func(filename string) string) {
rt.moduleLoader = fn
func (rt *Runtime) GetCallStack() []string {
callStacks := make([]string, 0)
for _, stack := range rt.VM.CaptureCallStack(0, nil) {
callStacks = append(callStacks, stack.Position().String())
return callStacks
func (rt *Runtime) requireMod(name, realModName string) error {
if name != "" {
if rt.required[name] {
return nil
mod, ok := modules[name]
if !ok {
return errors.New("module not found: " + name)
var err error
if mod.ObjectMaker != nil {
err = rt.VM.Set(realModName, mod.ObjectMaker(rt.VM))
} else {
err = rt.VM.Set(realModName, mod.Object)
if err != nil {
return err
rt.required[name] = true
return nil
} else {
// 使用所有模块
var allModules = map[string]Module{}
for k, v := range modules {
allModules[k] = v
for k, v := range allModules {
if !rt.required[k] {
if err := rt.VM.Set(k, v); err != nil {
return err
rt.required[k] = true
return nil
func (rt *Runtime) makeImport(code string) (string, int, error) {
var modErr error
importCount := 0
code = requireModMatcher.ReplaceAllStringFunc(code, func(str string) string {
if m := requireModMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(str); m != nil && len(m) > 3 {
optName := m[1]
varName := m[2]
modName := m[3]
realModName := modName
if strings.ContainsRune(modName, '/') {
realModName = strings.ReplaceAll(realModName, "/", "_")
_, ok := modules[modName]
if !ok {
return str
if modErr == nil {
if err := rt.requireMod(modName, realModName); err != nil {
modErr = err
if varName != realModName {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s = %s", optName, varName, realModName)
} else {
return ""
return str
if !rt.required["setTimeout"] && strings.Contains(code, "setTimeout") {
rt.required["setTimeout"] = true
err := rt.VM.Set("setTimeout", func(argsIn goja.FunctionCall, vm *goja.Runtime) goja.Value {
args := MakeArgs(&argsIn, vm).Check(2)
callback := args.Func(0)
timeout := time.Duration(args.Int64(1)) * time.Millisecond
if callback != nil {
go func() {
if timeout > 0 {
if _, err := callback(args.This, args.Arguments[2:]...); err != nil {
return nil
if err != nil {
modErr = err
return code, importCount, modErr
func New() *Runtime {
vm := goja.New()
vm.GoData = map[string]any{
"logger": log.New(u.ShortUniqueId()),
rt := &Runtime{
VM: vm,
required: map[string]bool{},
// 处理模块引用
require.NewRegistryWithLoader(func(path string) ([]byte, error) {
modFile := path
if !filepath.IsAbs(modFile) {
modFile = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(rt.file), modFile)
if !strings.HasSuffix(modFile, ".js") && !u.FileExists(modFile) {
modFile += ".js"
modCode := ""
if rt.moduleLoader != nil {
modCode = rt.moduleLoader(modFile)
if modCode == "" {
var err error
modCode, err = u.ReadFile(modFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modCode = importModMatcher.ReplaceAllString(modCode, "let $1 = require('$2')")
modCode, _, _ = rt.makeImport(modCode)
return []byte(modCode), nil
return rt
func (rt *Runtime) StartFromFile(file string) error {
return rt.StartFromCode(u.ReadFileN(file), file)
func (rt *Runtime) StartFromCode(code, refFile string) error {
if refFile != "" {
rt.file = refFile
if rt.file == "" {
rt.file = "main.js"
if absFile, err := filepath.Abs(rt.file); err == nil {
rt.file = absFile
refPath := filepath.Dir(refFile)
rt.VM.GoData["startPath"] = refPath
if rt.srcCode == "" {
rt.srcCode = code
rt.code = code
// 将 import 转换为 require
rt.code = importModMatcher.ReplaceAllString(rt.code, "let $1 = require('$2')")
// 按需加载引用
var importCount int
var modErr error
rt.code, importCount, modErr = rt.makeImport(rt.code)
// 如果没有import默认import所有
if modErr == nil && importCount == 0 {
modErr = rt.requireMod("", "")
if modErr != nil {
return modErr
// 初始化主函数
if !checkMainMatcher.MatchString(rt.code) {
rt.code = "function main(...args){" + rt.code + "}"
if _, err := rt.VM.RunScript(rt.file, rt.code); err != nil {
return err
} else {
rt.started = true
return nil
func (rt *Runtime) RunMain(args ...any) (any, error) {
if !rt.started {
return nil, errors.New("runtime not started")
// 解析参数
for i, arg := range args {
if str, ok := arg.(string); ok {
var v interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &v); err == nil {
args[i] = v
if err := rt.VM.Set("__args", args); err != nil {
return nil, err
jsResult, err := rt.VM.RunScript("main", "main(...__args)")
var result any
if err == nil {
if jsResult != nil && !jsResult.Equals(goja.Undefined()) {
result = jsResult.Export()
return result, err
func (rt *Runtime) SetGoData(name string, value any) {
rt.VM.GoData[name] = value
func (rt *Runtime) GetGoData(name string) any {
return rt.VM.GoData[name]
func (rt *Runtime) Set(name string, value any) error {
return rt.VM.Set(name, value)
func (rt *Runtime) SetGlobal(global Map) error {
var err error
for k, v := range global {
if err = rt.VM.Set(k, v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (rt *Runtime) RunCode(code string) (any, error) {
//if !rt.started {
// return nil, errors.New("runtime not started")
code = importModMatcher.ReplaceAllString(code, "let $1 = require('$2')")
code, _, _ = rt.makeImport(code)
jsResult, err := rt.VM.RunScript(rt.file, code)
var result any
if err == nil {
if jsResult != nil && !jsResult.Equals(goja.Undefined()) {
result = jsResult.Export()
return result, err
//func RunFile(file string, args ...any) (any, error) {
// return Run(u.ReadFileN(file), file, args...)
type WatchRunner struct {
w *watcher.Watcher
func (wr *WatchRunner) WaitForKill() {
exitCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
closeCh := make(chan bool, 1)
signal.Notify(exitCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGHUP)
go func() {
closeCh <- true
func (wr *WatchRunner) Stop() {
func WatchRun(file string, extDirs, extTypes []string, args ...any) (*WatchRunner, error) {
wr := &WatchRunner{}
run := func() {
rt := New()
if wr.w != nil {
rt.SetModuleLoader(func(filename string) string {
filePath := filepath.Dir(filename)
needWatch := true
for _, v := range wr.w.WatchList() {
if v == filePath {
needWatch = false
if needWatch {
fmt.Println(u.BMagenta("[watching module path]"), filePath)
_ = wr.w.Add(filePath)
return u.ReadFileN(filename)
err := rt.StartFromFile(file)
result, err := rt.RunMain(args...)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(u.Red(" " + strings.Join(rt.GetCallStack(), "\n ")))
} else if result != nil {
var isWaitingRun = false
onChange := func(filename string, event string) {
if !isWaitingRun {
_, _ = os.Stdout.WriteString("\x1b[3;J\x1b[H\x1b[2J")
isWaitingRun = true
go func() {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 10)
isWaitingRun = false
fmt.Println(u.BYellow("[changed]"), filename)
_, _ = os.Stdout.WriteString("\x1b[3;J\x1b[H\x1b[2J")
watchStartPath := filepath.Dir(file)
fmt.Println(u.BMagenta("[watching root path]"), watchStartPath)
watchDirs := []string{watchStartPath}
watchTypes := []string{"js", "json", "yml"}
if extDirs != nil {
for _, v := range extDirs {
watchDirs = append(watchDirs, v)
if extTypes != nil {
for _, v := range extTypes {
watchTypes = append(watchTypes, v)
if w, err := watcher.Start(watchDirs, watchTypes, onChange); err == nil {
wr.w = w
go func() {
return wr, nil
} else {
return nil, err
func ExportForDev() string {
var allModules = map[string]Module{}
for k, v := range modules {
allModules[k] = v
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
nodeModulesPath := "node_modules"
packageJsonFile := "package.json"
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
nodePath := filepath.Join(dir, "node_modules")
if u.FileExists(nodePath) {
nodeModulesPath = nodePath
packageJsonFile = filepath.Join(dir, "package.json")
parentDir := filepath.Dir(dir)
if parentDir == dir {
dir = parentDir
oldPackageJson := u.ReadFileN(packageJsonFile)
insertModulesPostfix := ""
if oldPackageJson == "" {
oldPackageJson = "{\n \"devDependencies\": {\n\n }\n}"
} else if !strings.Contains(oldPackageJson, "\"devDependencies\": {") {
oldPackageJson = strings.Replace(oldPackageJson, "{", "{\n \"devDependencies\": {\n\n },", 1)
} else {
insertModulesPostfix = ","
insertModules := make([]string, 0)
imports := make([]string, len(allModules))
i := 0
for k, v := range allModules {
varName := k
tsPath := k
if strings.ContainsRune(k, '/') {
varName = varName[strings.LastIndex(varName, "/")+1:]
if os.PathSeparator != '/' {
tsPath = strings.ReplaceAll(tsPath, "/", string(os.PathSeparator))
_ = u.WriteFile(filepath.Join(nodeModulesPath, tsPath, "index.ts"), v.TsCode)
imports[i] = fmt.Sprintf("import %s from '%s'", varName, k)
if !strings.Contains(oldPackageJson, "\""+k+"\":") {
insertModules = u.AppendUniqueString(insertModules, fmt.Sprint("\"", k, "\": \"v0.0.0\""))
if len(insertModules) > 0 {
newPackageJson := strings.Replace(oldPackageJson, "\"devDependencies\": {", "\"devDependencies\": {\n "+strings.Join(insertModules, ",\n ")+insertModulesPostfix, 1)
_ = u.WriteFile(packageJsonFile, newPackageJson)
return strings.Join(imports, "\n")