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2024-02-06 17:39:51 +08:00
# quickjs-go
English | [简体中文](README_zh-cn.md)
Fork from https://github.com/buke/quickjs-go, fixed performance bug for function callback
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Go bindings to QuickJS: a fast, small, and embeddable ES2020 JavaScript interpreter.
## Features
* Evaluate script
* Compile script into bytecode and Eval from bytecode
* Operate JavaScript values and objects in Go
* Bind Go function to JavaScript async/sync function
* Simple exception throwing and catching
## Guidelines
1. Free `quickjs.Runtime` and `quickjs.Context` once you are done using them.
2. Free `quickjs.Value`'s returned by `Eval()` and `EvalFile()`. All other values do not need to be freed, as they get garbage-collected.
3. Use `ExecuteAllPendingJobs` wait for promise/job result after you using promise/job
4. You may access the stacktrace of an error returned by `Eval()` or `EvalFile()` by casting it to a `*quickjs.Error`.
5. Make new copies of arguments should you want to return them in functions you created.
## Usage
import "apigo.cloud/git/apigo/qjs"
### Run a script
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new runtime
rt := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt.Close()
// Create a new context
ctx := rt.NewContext()
defer ctx.Close()
ret, err := ctx.Eval("'Hello ' + 'QuickJS!'")
if err != nil {
### Get/Set Javascript Object
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new runtime
rt := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt.Close()
// Create a new context
ctx := rt.NewContext()
defer ctx.Close()
test := ctx.Object()
test.Set("A", ctx.String("String A"))
test.Set("B", ctx.String("String B"))
test.Set("C", ctx.String("String C"))
ctx.Globals().Set("test", test)
ret, _ := ctx.Eval(`Object.keys(test).map(key => test[key]).join(" ")`)
defer ret.Free()
### Bind Go Funtion to Javascript async/sync function
package main
import "apigo.cloud/git/apigo/qjs"
func main() {
// Create a new runtime
rt := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt.Close()
// Create a new context
ctx := rt.NewContext()
defer ctx.Close()
// Create a new object
test := ctx.Object()
defer test.Free()
// bind properties to the object
test.Set("A", test.Context().String("String A"))
test.Set("B", ctx.Int32(0))
test.Set("C", ctx.Bool(false))
// bind go function to js object
test.Set("hello", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value {
return ctx.String("Hello " + args[0].String())
// bind "test" object to global object
ctx.Globals().Set("test", test)
// call js function by js
js_ret, _ := ctx.Eval(`test.hello("Javascript!")`)
// call js function by go
go_ret := ctx.Globals().Get("test").Call("hello", ctx.String("Golang!"))
//bind go function to Javascript async function
ctx.Globals().Set("testAsync", ctx.AsyncFunction(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, promise quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) {
promise.Call("resolve", ctx.String("Hello Async Function!"))
ret, _ := ctx.Eval(`
var ret;
testAsync().then(v => ret = v)
defer ret.Free()
// wait for promise resolve
//get promise result
asyncRet, _ := ctx.Eval("ret")
defer asyncRet.Free()
// Output:
// Hello Javascript!
// Hello Golang!
// Hello Async Function!
### Error Handling
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new runtime
rt := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt.Close()
// Create a new context
ctx := rt.NewContext()
defer ctx.Close()
ctx.Globals().SetFunction("A", func(ctx *Context, this Value, args []Value) Value {
// raise error
return ctx.ThrowError(expected)
_, actual := ctx.Eval("A()")
### Bytecode Compiler
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new runtime
rt := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt.Close()
// Create a new context
ctx := rt.NewContext()
defer ctx.Close()
jsStr := `
function fib(n)
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
else if (n == 1)
return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
// Compile the script to bytecode
buf, _ := ctx.Compile(jsStr)
// Create a new runtime
rt2 := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt2.Close()
// Create a new context
ctx2 := rt2.NewContext()
defer ctx2.Close()
//Eval bytecode
result, _ := ctx2.EvalBytecode(buf)
### Runtime Options: memory, stack, GC, ...
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new runtime
rt := quickjs.NewRuntime()
defer rt.Close()
// set runtime options
rt.SetMemoryLimit(256 * 1024) //256KB
// Create a new context
ctx := rt.NewContext()
defer ctx.Close()
result, err := ctx.Eval(`var array = []; while (true) { array.push(null) }`)
defer result.Free()
## Documentation
Go Reference & more examples: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/buke/quickjs-go
## License
[![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fbuke%2Fquickjs-go.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fbuke%2Fquickjs-go?ref=badge_large)
## Related Projects
* https://github.com/buke/quickjs-go-polyfill