package quickjs_test import ( "errors" "fmt" "math/big" "strings" "sync" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func Example() { // Create a new runtime rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() // Create a new context ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() // Create a new object test := ctx.Object() defer test.Free() // bind properties to the object test.Set("A", test.Context().String("String A")) test.Set("B", ctx.Int32(0)) test.Set("C", ctx.Bool(false)) // bind go function to js object test.Set("hello", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.String("Hello " + args[0].String()) })) // bind "test" object to global object ctx.Globals().Set("test", test) // call js function by js js_ret, _ := ctx.Eval(`test.hello("Javascript!")`) fmt.Println(js_ret.String()) // call js function by go go_ret := ctx.Globals().Get("test").Call("hello", ctx.String("Golang!")) fmt.Println(go_ret.String()) //bind go function to Javascript async function ctx.Globals().Set("testAsync", ctx.AsyncFunction(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, promise quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return promise.Call("resolve", ctx.String("Hello Async Function!")) })) ret, _ := ctx.Eval(` var ret; testAsync().then(v => ret = v) `) defer ret.Free() // wait for promise resolve rt.ExecuteAllPendingJobs() asyncRet, _ := ctx.Eval("ret") defer asyncRet.Free() fmt.Println(asyncRet.String()) // Output: // Hello Javascript! // Hello Golang! // Hello Async Function! } func TestRuntimeGC(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() // set runtime options rt.SetGCThreshold(256 * 1024) ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() rt.RunGC() result, _ := ctx.Eval(`"Hello GC!"`) defer result.Free() require.EqualValues(t, "Hello GC!", result.String()) } func TestRuntimeMemoryLimit(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() // set runtime options rt.SetMemoryLimit(256 * 1024) //512KB ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() result, err := ctx.Eval(`var array = []; while (true) { array.push(null) }`) defer result.Free() if assert.Error(t, err, "expected a memory limit violation") { require.Equal(t, "InternalError: out of memory", err.Error()) } } func TestRuntimeStackSize(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() rt.SetMaxStackSize(65534) ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() result, err := ctx.Eval(` function fib(n) { if (n <= 0) return 0; else if (n == 1) return 1; else return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); } fib(128) `) defer result.Free() if assert.Error(t, err, "expected a memory limit violation") { require.Equal(t, "InternalError: stack overflow", err.Error()) } } func TestThrowError(t *testing.T) { expected := errors.New("custom error") rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("A", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.ThrowError(expected) })) _, actual := ctx.Eval("A()") require.Error(t, actual) require.EqualValues(t, "Error: "+expected.Error(), actual.Error()) } func TestThrowInternalError(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("A", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.ThrowInternalError("%s", "custom error") })) _, actual := ctx.Eval("A()") require.Error(t, actual) require.EqualValues(t, "InternalError: custom error", actual.Error()) } func TestThrowRangeError(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("A", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.ThrowRangeError("%s", "custom error") })) _, actual := ctx.Eval("A()") require.Error(t, actual) require.EqualValues(t, "RangeError: custom error", actual.Error()) } func TestThrowReferenceError(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("A", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.ThrowReferenceError("%s", "custom error") })) _, actual := ctx.Eval("A()") require.Error(t, actual) require.EqualValues(t, "ReferenceError: custom error", actual.Error()) } func TestThrowSyntaxError(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("A", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.ThrowSyntaxError("%s", "custom error") })) _, actual := ctx.Eval("A()") require.Error(t, actual) require.EqualValues(t, "SyntaxError: custom error", actual.Error()) } func TestThrowTypeError(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("A", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return ctx.ThrowTypeError("%s", "custom error") })) _, actual := ctx.Eval("A()") require.Error(t, actual) require.EqualValues(t, "TypeError: custom error", actual.Error()) } func TestValue(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() // require.EqualValues(t, big.NewInt(1), ctx.BigUint64(uint64(1)).) require.EqualValues(t, true, ctx.Bool(true).IsBool()) require.EqualValues(t, true, ctx.Bool(true).Bool()) require.EqualValues(t, float64(0.1), ctx.Float64(0.1).Float64()) require.EqualValues(t, int32(1), ctx.Int32(1).Int32()) require.EqualValues(t, int64(1), ctx.Int64(1).Int64()) require.EqualValues(t, uint32(1), ctx.Uint32(1).Uint32()) require.EqualValues(t, big.NewInt(1), ctx.BigInt64(1).BigInt()) require.EqualValues(t, big.NewInt(1), ctx.BigUint64(1).BigInt()) require.EqualValues(t, false, ctx.Float64(0.1).IsBigDecimal()) require.EqualValues(t, false, ctx.Float64(0.1).IsBigFloat()) require.EqualValues(t, false, ctx.Float64(0.1).IsBigInt()) a := ctx.Array() defer a.Free() //require.True(t, a.IsArray()) o := ctx.Object() defer o.Free() require.True(t, o.IsObject()) s := ctx.String("hello") defer s.Free() require.EqualValues(t, true, s.IsString()) n := ctx.Null() defer n.Free() require.True(t, n.IsNull()) ud := ctx.Undefined() defer ud.Free() require.True(t, ud.IsUndefined()) ui := ctx.Uninitialized() defer ui.Free() require.True(t, ui.IsUninitialized()) sym, _ := ctx.Eval("Symbol()") defer sym.Free() require.True(t, sym.IsSymbol()) err := ctx.Error(errors.New("error")) defer err.Free() require.True(t, err.IsError()) } func TestEvalBytecode(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() jsStr := ` function fib(n) { if (n <= 0) return 0; else if (n == 1) return 1; else return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); } fib(10) ` buf, err := ctx.Compile(jsStr) require.NoError(t, err) rt2 := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt2.Close() ctx2 := rt2.NewContext() defer ctx2.Close() result, err := ctx2.EvalBytecode(buf) require.NoError(t, err) require.EqualValues(t, 55, result.Int32()) } func TestBadSyntax(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() _, err := ctx.Compile(`"bad syntax'`) require.Error(t, err) } func TestBadBytecode(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() buf := make([]byte, 1) _, err := ctx.EvalBytecode(buf) require.Error(t, err) } func TestArrayBuffer(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() binaryData := []uint8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} value := ctx.ArrayBuffer(binaryData) defer value.Free() for i := 1; i <= len(binaryData); i++ { data, err := value.ToByteArray(uint(i)) assert.NoError(t, err) //fmt.Println(data) assert.EqualValues(t, data, binaryData[:i]) } _, err := value.ToByteArray(uint(len(binaryData)) + 1) assert.Error(t, err) assert.True(t, value.IsByteArray()) binaryLen := len(binaryData) assert.Equal(t, value.ByteLen(), int64(binaryLen)) } func TestConcurrency(t *testing.T) { n := 32 m := 10000 var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(n) req := make(chan struct{}, n) res := make(chan int64, m) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { go func() { defer wg.Done() rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() for range req { result, err := ctx.Eval(`new Date().getTime()`) require.NoError(t, err) res <- result.Int64() result.Free() } }() } for i := 0; i < m; i++ { req <- struct{}{} } close(req) wg.Wait() for i := 0; i < m; i++ { <-res } } func TestJson(t *testing.T) { // Create a new runtime rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() // Create a new context ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() // Create a object from json fooObj := ctx.ParseJSON(`{"foo":"bar"}`) defer fooObj.Free() // JSONStringify jsonStr := fooObj.JSONStringify() require.EqualValues(t, "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", jsonStr) } func TestObject(t *testing.T) { // Create a new runtime rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() // Create a new context ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() // Create a new object test := ctx.Object() test.Set("A", test.Context().String("String A")) test.Set("B", ctx.Int32(0)) test.Set("C", ctx.Bool(false)) ctx.Globals().Set("test", test) result, err := ctx.Eval(`Object.keys(test).map(key => test[key]).join(",")`) require.NoError(t, err) defer result.Free() // eval js code require.EqualValues(t, "String A,0,false", result.String()) // set function test.Set("F", ctx.Function(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { arg_x := args[0].Int32() arg_y := args[1].Int32() return ctx.Int32(arg_x * arg_y) })) // call js function by go F_ret := test.Call("F", ctx.Int32(2), ctx.Int32(3)) defer F_ret.Free() require.True(t, F_ret.IsNumber() && F_ret.Int32() == 6) // invoke js function by go f_func := test.Get("F") defer f_func.Free() ret := ctx.Invoke(f_func, ctx.Null(), ctx.Int32(2), ctx.Int32(3)) require.True(t, ret.IsNumber() && ret.Int32() == 6) // test error call F_ret_err := test.Call("A", ctx.Int32(2), ctx.Int32(3)) defer F_ret_err.Free() require.Error(t, F_ret_err.Error()) // get object property require.True(t, test.Has("A")) require.True(t, test.Get("A").String() == "String A") // get object all property pNames, _ := test.PropertyNames() require.True(t, strings.Join(pNames[:], ",") == "A,B,C,F") // delete object property test.Delete("C") pNames, _ = test.PropertyNames() require.True(t, strings.Join(pNames[:], ",") == "A,B,F") } func TestArray(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() test := ctx.Array() for i := int64(0); i < 3; i++ { test.Push(ctx.String(fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i))) require.True(t, test.HasIdx(i)) } require.EqualValues(t, 3, test.Len()) for i := int64(0); int64(i) < test.Len(); i++ { require.EqualValues(t, fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i), test.ToValue().GetIdx(i).String()) } ctx.Globals().Set("test", test.ToValue()) result, err := ctx.Eval(` => v.toUpperCase())`) require.NoError(t, err) defer result.Free() require.EqualValues(t, `TEST 0,TEST 1,TEST 2`, result.String()) dFlag, _ := test.Delete(0) require.True(t, dFlag) result, err = ctx.Eval(` => v.toUpperCase())`) require.NoError(t, err) defer result.Free() require.EqualValues(t, `TEST 1,TEST 2`, result.String()) first, err := test.Get(0) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } require.EqualValues(t, first.String(), "test 1") test.Push([]quickjs.Value{ctx.Int32(34), ctx.Bool(false), ctx.String("445")}...) require.Equal(t, int(test.Len()), 5) err = test.Set(test.Len()-1, ctx.Int32(2)) require.NoError(t, err) require.EqualValues(t, test.ToValue().String(), "test 1,test 2,34,false,2") } func TestMap(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() test := ctx.Map() defer test.Free() require.True(t, test.ToValue().IsMap()) for i := int64(0); i < 3; i++ { test.Put(ctx.Int64(i), ctx.String(fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i))) require.True(t, test.Has(ctx.Int64(i))) testValue := test.Get(ctx.Int64(i)) require.EqualValues(t, testValue.String(), fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i)) //testValue.Free() } count := 0 test.ForEach(func(key quickjs.Value, value quickjs.Value) { count++ fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("key:%s value:%s", key.String(), value.String())) }) require.EqualValues(t, count, 3) test.Put(ctx.Int64(3), ctx.Int64(4)) fmt.Println("\nput after the content inside") count = 0 test.ForEach(func(key quickjs.Value, value quickjs.Value) { count++ fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("key:%s value:%s", key.String(), value.String())) }) require.EqualValues(t, count, 4) count = 0 test.Delete(ctx.Int64(3)) fmt.Println("\ndelete after the content inside") test.ForEach(func(key quickjs.Value, value quickjs.Value) { if key.String() == "3" { panic(errors.New("map did not delete the key")) } count++ fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("key:%s value:%s", key.String(), value.String())) }) require.EqualValues(t, count, 3) } func TestSet(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() test := ctx.Set() defer test.Free() require.True(t, test.ToValue().IsSet()) for i := int64(0); i < 3; i++ { test.Add(ctx.Int64(i)) require.True(t, test.Has(ctx.Int64(i))) } count := 0 test.ForEach(func(key quickjs.Value) { count++ fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("value:%s", key.String())) }) require.EqualValues(t, count, 3) test.Delete(ctx.Int64(0)) require.True(t, !test.Has(ctx.Int64(0))) } func TestAsyncFunction(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() ctx.Globals().Set("testAsync", ctx.AsyncFunction(func(ctx *quickjs.Context, this quickjs.Value, promise quickjs.Value, args []quickjs.Value) quickjs.Value { return promise.Call("resolve", ctx.String(args[0].String()+args[1].String())) })) ret1, _ := ctx.Eval(` var ret = ""; `) defer ret1.Free() ctx.ScheduleJob(func() { ret2, _ := ctx.Eval(`ret = ret + "Job Done: ";`) defer ret2.Free() }) // wait for job resolve rt.ExecuteAllPendingJobs() // testAsync ret3, _ := ctx.Eval(` testAsync('Hello ', 'Async').then(v => ret = ret + v) `) defer ret3.Free() // wait promise execute rt.ExecuteAllPendingJobs() ret4, _ := ctx.Eval("ret") defer ret4.Free() require.EqualValues(t, "Job Done: Hello Async", ret4.String()) } func TestSetInterruptHandler(t *testing.T) { rt := quickjs.NewRuntime() defer rt.Close() ctx := rt.NewContext() defer ctx.Close() startTime := time.Now().Unix() ctx.SetInterruptHandler(func() int { if time.Now().Unix()-startTime > 1 { return 1 } return 0 }) ret, err := ctx.Eval(`while(true){}`) defer ret.Free() assert.Error(t, err, "expected interrupted by quickjs") require.Equal(t, "InternalError: interrupted", err.Error()) }